Some Yoga for Your Hips

by Jenni in

Candace over at Yoga by Candace has started a hip opening challenge for April. It is filled with lots of hip stretches that will make those runners, desk sitters, walkers, and crossfitters all feel a bit better in the hip region. 

Our hips can get so very tight and sometimes, we just need to stretch those hard-to-reach muscles and ligaments to make sure we can preform at our best (without injury). I am loving this April challenge and think you will as well! Here is my favorite April hip stretching sequence so far :)

A Great [and quick] Yoga Workout!

by Jenni in

Yoga by Candace is one of my favorite yoga channels on YouTube. I follow her on Instagram, liked her on FB, and am obsessed when she puts out a new yoga video. This is one of lasts weeks videos that I have been meaning to share with you for almost that long.

The video itself is not long, but the workout you will get from it is great! There is bum toning, mid section tightening, and muscle elongating. We will be traveling this weekend, and I fully plan on doing this routine while in our hotel room.

Happy Thursday!

Valentines Day Gifts for the Yogi You Love

by Jenni in

Did you know that Valentines Day is only 10 days away?!? There are plenty of us out there still scrambling for that perfect last minute gift. If that is you and you also have a fitness loving significant other, your are in luck. We will be going through a giant list of all the things your fitness loving friend will go crazy for come Valentines day. Everything is also linked and able to be to you in time for the 14th. I know, so great!

But, where do we start? Why, with the yogi, of course! Oh the peaceful, calm, and kind yogi; one of the newer fitness loving groups. These fitness lovers tend to be oh-so chiseled, especially since they do the equivalent of rolling around on a mat 3+ times per week. Yogis can be some of the easiest people to buy gifts for, and some of the most difficult. Thankfully, your yogi is guaranteed to like one, or all, of the things on this list!

Valentines Day Gifts for the Yogi
  1. Men's Yoga Bracelet. These are great for guys and gals and come in way more colors than you will ever need. It is also a cheap, cute gift for only $12.
  2. Have you seen anything cute than this Onzie yoga outfit?! I think not. I also think your yogi will be feeling the same when they open this next Saturday! At $56 for the top and $65 for the bottom, it is also something they may not just buy themselves any old day of the week.
  3. Manduka yoga mats are pretty well known for being the best thing to touch the feet of yogis ever. If your yogi does not have one, they will love it and their yogi respect for you will go up by mounds too! I should probably also mention the price- $118!
  4. I Bend so I Don't Break is just a pretty, inexpensive top that any yogi would love to wear for their morning Vinyasa. It is simple and only costs $26. Fantastic!
  5. Gold and Red Lotus Bracelet. One time the hubs got me a lotus bracelet out of the blue and it was the best day ever. He got it because he knew I loved yoga and because I like pretty things. It was a win-win and possibly the best gift ever. And did I mention is it only $20? Buy it.
  6. Yoga Toes. Do your toes slip and slide one the mat? Mine do! These yoga toes will make down dog slippage a thing of the past. You can also where them to Pure Barr if you are in to that sort of thing! Oh, and they are Calvin Klein and less than the ones Pure Barr sells. Just sayin'.
  7. Skidless Mat. The best thing ever. Your yogi's mat will not slip and neither will their toes! It is huge, machine washable, and only $68.
  8. Hair Ties that will make your hair look trendy when up and kink free when put back down. It is all in the little things and this little thing says "Your hair is so pretty, only the prettiest of hair bands is worthy to be stretched around it." Yes, that is actually what these say.
  9. Quartz Calmness Bracelet. Because it is Valentines day and we do like shiny things. Oh, and because it is less that $50.
  10. Goddess Ribbed Yoga Pants are so pretty, I just want to wear them right now. They also come in plenty of different colors, all of which keep the two-tone effect. My favorites are these crazy bright yellow ones for $92!

Let's Do Some Yoga!!

by Jenni in

Confession: I have not done any yoga for over a week.

I know. Hopefully you did not fall off your chair and break something at that news, but if you did, it is understandable. This is quite different, especially for a crazy yoga enthusiast like me. Yoga is wonderful for all of us cardio and weight junkies and something that can slip through the cracks if we are not careful. Just like any physical activity, it takes a small to large amount of pre-planning to get. things. done.

To help with that, I searched the internet for some great yoga sequences that are about 30-minutes long. Why 30-minutes you ask? Well, that is simple! A friend of mine has started a challenge to do 30-minutes of yoga at least once per day. How great is that?! This would leave you feeling refreshed, renewed, and ready for life like few other things can! It will also help stretch those muscles, increase joint lubrication, improve those non-yoga workout results, get better balance, and tone those muscles. A whole month may be difficult, but why don't we all try doing a 30-minute yoga flow at least once per day for the next week!

This will be such a great habit to start and a wonderful way to kick off our slim down challenge! To get you started, I have listed three great sequences below along with links to their YouTube channels where you can find more.

Jillian Michaels Yoga

If you are more into the cardio, sweat kind of yoga, then Jillian Michaels is for you. Her yoga playlist can be found here.

Ali Kamenova

The middle road lovers will love Ali K. She does everything from relaxing flows to intense I think I just died flows. there is sure to be something you love between these three!

Those who would rather have something slower but still engaging, try Candace. She is wonderful at breaking down sequences and making the yoga flow as understandable as it is healthy.