New research is showing that static stretching (stretching where you hold one position for 30+ seconds) done before a workout will do nothing to help muscles reduce pain or injury. Dynamic stretches however, will. Dynamic stretches are stretches that you move while doing. These can include side lunges, jumping jacks, toe touches, and other stretches that involve movement.
Complete about five minutes of dynamic stretches before your usual workoutand after a brief warm-up to reduce workout fatigue, increase range of motion, decrease pain associated with working out, increase workout longevity, and decrease the risk of injury. Be sure not to stretch to the point of discomfort. Dynamic stretches should elongate muscles and prepare them for your workout, not stretch them (or overstretch) beyond your body's abilities. No ballistic stretches here!
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Butt Kicks
Butt kicks are a great dynamic stretch for the upper thighs, hamstrings, and our knees. Begin by jogging in place and kick your legs up so that your foot kicks your behind. Complete these for 30 seconds before moving on to the next stretch.
Butt kicks will work your knee joints and lower legs, they are great for runners to do before a jog. These will also give your hind a pretty good workout while you stretch. Win-win!
Arm Circles
Arm circle are a very common part of dynamic stretching because our shoulders have the largest range of motion of any joint. Stand straight up with arms out to the side and legs hip width apart. Begin by rotating arms forward in small circles so that the circle you create with your hands are not larger than ten inches in diameter. Complete this forward movement for 30 seconds, then rotate the arms backwards for 30 seconds.
Once you are done with the smaller circles, complete 30 seconds forward and back of larger circles. These should be as big as your arm can go without twisting your body.
Knee to Chest
These are great for both the knees and hip joints along with our glutes, hamstrings, back, and quads. Stand straight with feet hip width apart and alternate bending the right, then left leg in towards the chest. Use your arms to pull your leg as close in as possible for one minute before moving on to the next stretch.
Walking Lunges
I know, lunges for a pre-workout stretch seem like a joke gone wrong. But, walking lunges really are great for stretching the inner and outer thighs, and the lower calf muscles. I am sorry.
The goal here is to stretch your muscles, not work them. Complete each lunge slowly, making sure to lean forward in every lunge. You should be able to complete 1-2 every 15 to 20 seconds. Continue the walking lunges for one minute (30 seconds per side) before moving on to straight leg kicks. Be sure that the bent knee does not extend beyond your toes and that the straight knee is not resting on the ground. These little things could end up making the stretch do more damage than good.
Straight Leg Kick
This stretch is great for increasing range of motion in the torso, chest, and hips. It will also give your legs and arms a bit of a stretch. Stand straight with feet hip width apart and begin by kicking the right leg out straight in front of you and touching your toes with the left arm. There should be a slight twist when both the apposing leg and arm move towards the center-line of your body. Continue alternating between legs for one minute.
It is very easy to over exert your kicking power and turn this dynamic stretch a bit ballistic. Make sure that you are only kicking your legs up as far as they are comfortable going.