Post-Workout Static Stretches

by Jenni in

Blue Mat 12.jpg

Stretching after a workout is vital for maintaining long muscles that do not bulk. This is go for daily life, and for greater results in your next workout. Where dynamic stretching will help you before a workout, static stretching is best after a workout and could, actually, hinder your workouts if done beforehand. ​

Static stretches are stretches that hold one, singular position for a certain period of time. These five stretches are great post-workout stretches that will help your body cool down and your muscles gain flexibility. ​Each stretch should be done for at least 30 seconds per side. Only extend until you feel a slight tightness, there should never be pain involved with stretching. 

For more stretches for specific regions, check out this post we had up a few months back. ​Just in case you missed it yesterday, my super cute yoga rug is from here.

Shoulder Stretch

The shoulder stretch is good for just that, our shoulders.​ Stand straight up with legs hip width apart and cross your right arm straight across your chest. Use your left arm to lightly push the right in as close as you can towards your chest. Hold for at least 30 seconds, then complete on the left side.

Forward Fold

This stretch is one of the best things after a workout! It will stretch you back, legs, and arms, if desired. ​Stand straight up with feet together and legs straight. Bend forward, trying to touch the ground with your hands. Be careful not to stretch this one too far, your hamstrings would not feel to great if you did.

A great variation of this stretch is ​to straighten your back while bent forward. The tabletop-like straight back will stretch different leg muscles and your hip flexors. You can also interlock your hand behind your back and let them hang so the are interlocked and hanging behind your head.

Quad Stretch (Flamingo)

As you have guessed, this stretch is great for the quads and heaven after a jog. Stand straight up  and bend the right foot up behind you so you are holding your right foot against your bum. Be sure to keep your knee in line with your body. If needed, hold on to a chair or buddy for some extra balance. Alternate to the left leg after at least 30 seconds. ​

Extended Leg Stretch

This stretch will work your hamstring and groin muscles. Sit on the floor with your back straight and the right leg extended. Bend the left foot and place the sole of the foot on the inside of the right thigh. Bend forward with a straight spine and get your forehead as close to your shin as possible. Be sure that your back does not round during this exercise, having a straight back is better than having a curved back closer to the leg. ​Alternate to the left leg after at least 30 seconds.

Bum Stretch

This stretch will work all three butt muscles. Sit on the floor with a straight back and legs out in front of you. Bend the right leg in towards the chest and place the right foot on the outside of the left leg. Rotate your torso so the left upper arm is pushing against the right leg and you are looking behind. Use your left arm as a support behind you. Alternate to the left leg after at least 30 seconds.

If you would like to increase your bum stretch, try the advanced option. Stand up with legs straight and bend the right leg upwards, then twist it so it is parrellel to the ground. Hold the right knee and ankle and balance for at least 30 seconds. This stretch is heaven for your hip flexors and glutes. ​