The Benefits of Aloe

by Jenni in

When I was little I remember my Mom going outside, cutting some aloe leaves off our plant, and rubbing the juice on my sun-burnt skin. Fresh aloe was the best things to have over the summer when everyday was a beach day and everyday I came home a bit more red than brown. When we used fresh aloe, the sunburn and pain would be gone before bed that night.

This memory of aloe has always made it one of my favorite plants. Now that I have learned that the benefits of aloe go much further than sun-burnt skin, it is my favorite all over again!

It is no wonder we are still finding uses for aloe vera 5,000 years after Egyptians added it to their daily life. The plant has over 75 nutrients, 12 vitamins, 18 amino acids, 200 enzymes, and 20 minerals- enough to place it in the super food category. Going a little further, aloe is one of the only vegetarian places to find vitamin B12, a natural energizer that also helps with neurological functions.

Since aloe works on the membranes of our skin, it reduces pain from ulcers and aids in healing due to the many nutrients and enzymes. Aloe can also help with heartburn for this same reason. The mucus found in aloe gel can help increase the pH level in our stomachs (making them less acidic), and help repair damaged areas of the esophagus.There has also been new research performed that show aloe to reduce colitis when consumed twice per day and calm psoriasis when applied to the skin.

If you have ever had issues with digestions, aloe could help with that too! The enzymes in aloe kill bad bacteria in places like our gums and our intestinal tract. This makes it easier for our digestion to carry on, unhindered and with a boost. Aloe helps in releasing pepsin, a gastric enzyme used in digestion and also has a high amount of aloin, a naturally occurring laxative.

To get the full effects from aloe, it is best to eat the gel fresh from the plant without cooking. Aloe can be grown indoors in a well lit area with watering once per week. The leaves can also be stored in the fridge for multiple uses.

If having the plant is not possible, there are quite a few aloe products available at health food stores like Whole Foods Market. Be sure to read the label before you buy, not all aloe products are equal. The more whole aloe is used, the better. Drinks like aloe energy drinks or aloe infused water will do far less than an aloe vera gel. My go-to brand is quickly becoming alo Exposed. They use the juice and the pulp plus a few extra flavors to make it yummy!