A Crunch Free Core Workout

by Jenni in

I love crunches as much as the next washboard-ab-craving girl, but sometimes you just want something different. Enter the Crunch Free Core Workout! This workout will give your midsection a run for it's money, working all the abdominal muscles and then some. The workout is best as a circuit completed 3-4 times with a one minute break between each. The heart pumping action will help burn fat while the muscle building is done through muscle tension and contraction in each exercise.

Warm up by jogging in place or doing jumping jacks for 3 minutes.


You may not think of these as an ab workout, but trust me, they are. Knee ups work those hard to get to, lower abs along with our upper thighs and hip flexor muscles. Complete for 1 minute.

Mountain Climbers

Mountain climbers will work you core, chest, and upper thighs. Start in plank position and bring right foot in towards chest. Return to starting and bring left foot in towards chest. Alternate legs as fast as possible for 1 minute. To intensify this workout, lower into lowered plank position and continue as before.


This will work your upper, lower, and oblique ab muscles. Lay on the floor with feet together 2 inches off the ground and your entire back touching the floor. You can place hands under tailbone in a diamond shape if your back strains easily.

Start by rotating legs to the right, then upwards towards the chest, then to the left, and end in starting position. Your feet should be drawing a circle in the air. Continue for one minute and alternate to start on the left in the next set.


This will do a number on your oblique and upper abs. Start in Plank position. Dip right hip down so it touches the ground while twisting your body. Twist body back and dip left hip down so it is touching the floor. Alternate between left and right hip in a continuous, fluid motion for 1 minute.


Start laying on your back with arms stretched above your head and legs out straight. Lift legs and arms off the ground about two inches. Without help from arms or legs, rotate so you are laying on your right side with only the torso touching the ground. rotate to stomach, then the left side in the same manner. Hold each position for 15 seconds. Rotate left first in the next set. 

Boat Pose

This yoga pose is fantastic for increase balance, coordination, and abdominal strength. Lay on your back and lift legs and arms into the air so you are making a "V" with your body. Make sure to keep pressure off your lower back by balancing on your sit bones and keeping the back straight. For a lower difficulty, bend legs and bring arms straight forward so they are parallel to the ground. Hold for 1 minute.