Detoxifying Bedtime Yoga Flow

by Jenni in

Well, I promised long ago to post my favorite bedtime detoxing yoga flow, and here it is! The yoga flow takes  about 15-20 minutes to complete and will leave you feeling fresh, loosened, and ready to get some serious zzz's.

What I love most about this flow is the detoxifying effects. During the night our bodies have a rejuvenation process that happens all the way from our vital organs to our skin. This is one of the key reasons sleep is so important for a healthy body, happy mind, and great looking skin! When we detoxify our bodies before starting the rejuvenation process, we are keeping everything in better working order. This flow will help work out some of those kinks we can get in our digestion along with doing some good for our spine, blood flow, and the oxygen absorption within the body.

If you are really wanting to make this workout stick, I would recommend drinking a cup or two of water both before and after the yoga flow. Be sure not to skimp on the Shivasana either! It may seem odd to rest before you rest, but a good Shivasana before bed can help take away all the day's stress and give you a better night's sleep.

Thank you Casper Mattresses for teaming up with me to make a super simple and highly effective yoga flow for better sleep and a better body :)


Yoga Inversions for Beginners + a Yogi Tip

by Jenni in

Ok, I was going to share this with you Sunday as part of the workout sum-up, but it is just too handy and fun to wait! This yoga flow is great for those who are new to inversions but love yoga. You will be sweating by the end of this and the core work in here is fantastic! So fantastic, in fact, you just might see some of it in a workout pretty soon! 

If you reeaaaaalllly want to kick the core work up a bit, I recommend pausing the video at the end of the floor section and doing it all over again. This will add about 10-minutes to the yoga flow and be a complete core strengthener workout. 

One things that Lesley Fightmaster does not say about handstands is arm placement. My absolute favorite yoga instructor back home has a great tip for keeping arms strong and sturdy (especially for those of us with super loose rotator cuffs). When in down dog or any inversion, keep arms activated with elbows slightly bent and towards the wall behind you. Having your arms rotated inward like this will give that much more support to your entire body and keep things tightened up. 

What are some of your favorite (and most effective) yoga tips? 

Yoga for Feeling Better

by Jenni in ,

Something sure is going around, isn't it... I feel like every time we go to Disney with our nieces, the hubs and I both come back sick. Good thing for him that he has a Hulk strong immune system; too bad for me, I do not. Whatever we got, his stayed a cold and mine moved into a full blown respiratory infection.  Thanks respiratory infection, you had such perfect timing! 

To say the least, workouts this week were mainly core related and included lots of coughing. Funny, but I actually woke up one morning with sore abs... Not that I was trying to get a good core workout, but if something good comes of this cold, I will be happy with it being some better abs! 

Yesterday was my favorite yoga class of the week, but things were just not going well enough to make that a possibility. So, instead, I did some yoga out on the back porch and used it as a time to twist, flow, detox, and get back on that land-of-the-living horse. The entire workout consisted of these two Tara Stiles yoga flows and in this order. It really ended up being a great 15-minute flow that helped clear up some of my congestion but was not too much for this antibiotic ridden body to handle. 

If you have found yourself a bit under the weather, try these two yoga flows! THey helped me a lot and were fun at the same time. Also, feel better soon!