Yoga for Feeling Better

by Jenni in ,

Something sure is going around, isn't it... I feel like every time we go to Disney with our nieces, the hubs and I both come back sick. Good thing for him that he has a Hulk strong immune system; too bad for me, I do not. Whatever we got, his stayed a cold and mine moved into a full blown respiratory infection.  Thanks respiratory infection, you had such perfect timing! 

To say the least, workouts this week were mainly core related and included lots of coughing. Funny, but I actually woke up one morning with sore abs... Not that I was trying to get a good core workout, but if something good comes of this cold, I will be happy with it being some better abs! 

Yesterday was my favorite yoga class of the week, but things were just not going well enough to make that a possibility. So, instead, I did some yoga out on the back porch and used it as a time to twist, flow, detox, and get back on that land-of-the-living horse. The entire workout consisted of these two Tara Stiles yoga flows and in this order. It really ended up being a great 15-minute flow that helped clear up some of my congestion but was not too much for this antibiotic ridden body to handle. 

If you have found yourself a bit under the weather, try these two yoga flows! THey helped me a lot and were fun at the same time. Also, feel better soon! 

Get Well Soon

by Jenni in

Almost everyone I know has been hit with this cold/flu that is going around. I am still getting over it, but am beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel. This yoga flow has also helped me out quite a lot. The flow is short (only taking 22-minutes to complete) and is a beginner flow that mainly works on simple twisting poses to improve flexibility and help detoxify the body.

This whole being sick thing has taken a massive toll on the working out bit, but doing this yoga flow seriously helped. If you are not feeling so good and have had a fever, I completely recommend it. This one is waaayy easier than the usual yoga flows on P+K but just as beneficial when we are under the weather. If your fever is still too intense and something more mild is what the doctor ordered, this yoga flow from bed may be right up your alley.