Yoga for Core

by Jenni in

I have found quite a few favorite new workout routines during the past few ab-centered months. This yoga flow is one of my most recent finds and something that simply had to be shared. The entire flow takes about 20-minutes but is full of some intense yoga poses along with some very fun variants.  

I would highly recommend completing this flow if you are in the process of toning that mid-section. This will work your upper, lower, and oblique abdominals in no time. Plus, the fun routine leaves you asking how the flow can be over so soon.

If you would like a bit more of a challenging workout than one yoga flow, try doing this ab video as a warm-up. Trust me, you will be nice and warmed after finishing this Jillian Michaels core workout. Yea, I would not suggest laughing for the next couple of days...

Top Three Magazine Workouts of 2013

by Jenni in

2013 has had some pretty great magazine workouts. Some of my favorites from this year so far are those that 1) do not need massive equipment 2) do not take more than 30 minutes, and 3) are super effective. These workouts have completely surprised me and are the ones that I still do almost a year later.  

June 2012 Jump Rope Workout

This workout is over a year old, but that does not mean it has worn out it's use. the entire workout lasts about 30-minutes and will burn upwards of 250 calories! The best part is it will work your whole body and keeps things entertaining at the same time. Funny how jump rope routines are gaining in popularity right now... Seems this workout was a year ahead of it's time :) 

Jennifer Love Hewitt's Workout

March 2013 had a silent killer in my review. This Jennifer Love Hewitt workout completely took me by surprise. It is simple, fun, and did some major damage to the fats around my thighs. Although I loved the workout while completing it, I did not realize how effective it was until the next day. This workout will definitely sneak-up on you in the muscle soreness category. I would recommend this for anyone who wants a great leg workout, wants a simple and low impact exercise routine, or just wants to mix things up. Jennifer Love Hewitt's workout seems to do all three!

Beach Body Part I

Out of all the Jillian Michaels workouts that I have done, this one is still at the top of my list. Sure, Yoga Meltdown, Six Pack in Six Weeks, and Beach Body Part II and III are incredible, but this one takes the cake. The calorie burn for this workout is not too high, but the muscle strengthening is incredible. This workout will give your arms, legs, bum, and abs a full, sleep the pain away, workout! Enjoy the post-workout pride that goes along with completing this insane Jillian Michaels sweat session!

Six Pack in Six Weeks

by Jenni in

So, you may be seeing a pattern this week. Yep, P+K has gone a little abtastic!  The abs and the bum are two of the most worked on areas of the body, maybe this is why they can also be found on most people's new year's goal lists. For those of you who want those abs and are ready to work the equivalent of ripping off a band aid, we have Jillian Michaels. Jillian is most popular for her work on The Biggest Loser, but she is also a fitness instructor, and co-host of the health and fitness podcast The Jillian Michaels Show. She is very involved in the fitness world, and her workouts show it! This video is a bit longer than anything that has been on P+K yet, but it is 35 minutes of pure, ab building, goodness. This will definitely work those abs and get you way closer to that six pack!

The video here is level 1. Jillian recommends completing the level 1 video five times per week for three weeks. Then, move on to level 2 for three weeks, five times per week as well. Whether you are that dedicated or not, I would highly suggest doing this work out at least once. There are some crazy good tips in here along with some great new workouts that I had never done before!

For those of you who want a flatter tum, but do not want it that bad, we have Amanda Russell. I have shown some of Amanda's videos on the site before, so it is nothing out of the ordinary. Amanda is great at getting big results in a small amount of time. This video is only three minutes long and the workout should take less than ten. The workout is comprised of six exercises done fifteen times each. Super simple.

I would recommend doing this workout after your normal routine. It is only ten minutes extra, so it will not take up too much time, but it will give major results!