Sunday Funnies for Your Monday

by Jenni in

Happy Cinco de Mayo! Man does the beginning of May have it all in obscure holidays we love to celebrate! What did you do for May the Fourth? We were at EPCOT with about a million and a half other people and one very hot sun. Note to self: May is no longer jean-weather at Disney World. Second note to self: do not spend the day before and after a race (of any sort) walking around a giant park. feet. so. sore. The race, however, was totally worth it and will be massively re-hashed in a future blog this week.

Now, for all those people that did not get enough fun in this weekend, or, maybe got a bit too much, we have some Sunday funnies for your Monday morning. Last week I was sucked into the black hole of time others call The Bold Italic. My addiction to this blog may be certifiable reason for those who care about me to worry. But really, I love it too much to care.

After seeing this one, I tried to explain it to my husband (without the handy pictures or actual funnies). My comedic timing was not on par and he, sadly, did not understand how hilarious this was. Thankfully, I have not made that mistake with you today and will simply be sharing the hilarity that I found. Did you laugh like me? Surely all of us know a person or two that we think this about. Heck, we may even be that guy to a few people as well.


This one also made me laugh out loud. Oh, and this one is pretty hilarious too... In a flashback to childhood type of way :)

All of these are from The Bold Italic, a San Francisco based blog that almost solely writes about San Francisco. Even though most of us do not live there, we can all surely relate to what these are saying. Which one was your favorite and what other funnies do you enjoy reading?