Is everyone ready for tax day tomorrow? I know, I know, why did I even bring it up? Instead, let's talk about Pins to help us ignore all those pesky numbers that us procrastinators are needing to check out, and to reward those over-achievers who have their tax goods complete! Because, it is a widely known truth that Pinterest is the best way to forget all that work you need to get done. Side note, I may need to re-evaluate my time management.
Hopefully, a few of these Pins will help take your mind off your Monday :)
San Francisco, GoT Style
Best. Thing. Ever. Yea, that sums it up well enough.
Things to do Instead of Spending Money
For all those who have come to the conclusion that the best way to avoid taxes is to stop spending, at all. Ever.
The Best Doggie Door Ever
Be honest, who else had the momentary want to get a puppy just so you could have this door? Guilty.
And finally, some inspiration for your Monday. Have a wonderful week!!