My 2014 New Year's Resolutions

by Jenni in

I recently read Emily Henderson's New Year's resolution list on her blog and it has inspired me. Emily's New Year's resolutions are one of my favorite things that she does and have inspired this resolution avoiding Pisces to make a list of the things I would like to accomplish in the new year. Last year's was quite simple and not too difficult to accomplish without much effort or growth. This year, however, is quite different.

Back in the November/December region I decided to make 2014 the year of personal development. This means becoming a better person through volunteering, being more productive, making a keen effort to grow, becoming more physically fit, and exploring new areas of development. The whole idea of growing and changing does scare me quite a bit, but honestly, all of us are always changing, so why not put in the effort to change for the better? This has become my mantra for the year- change for the better.

The list format I love has one overall goal with multiple rules/ways to do to accomplish it completely helps me to easily remember what is on the list (yes, that is a problem) and letting you know my goals will help me stay more accountable. The list mainly focuses around being more productive, personal development, and business growth. Unfortunately/fortunately, there are about a billion ways to do all of these… So, hold on to your hats, this list is long. 

Note: Since the business stuff can get a little boring and number-y and does go a bit more into the finance department, I decided to leave that out. But, it can pretty much be summed up as "do more business".

1. Improve My Relationship with the Hubs

  • Have a set time for work and a set time for leisure every day.
  • Have one day per week without cell phones or computers to spend with each other. 
  • Dress better around the house Read a non-fiction and inspirational book once a month (at least)
  • Be mindful of ways t

2. Triple Blog Readership

  • More personal posts
  • Six posts per week
  • More personal workout posts
  • Begin doing workout videos
  • Network with other bloggers/sites/video content suppliers/apps
  • Begin advertising on the blog
  • Pin more
  • Instagram more
  • Contests!!!! (said in an Oprah giveaway voice)

3. Personal Growth

  • Listen to one self improvement podcast/CD a day (at least)
  • Notice something incredible every day
  • Do one thing that scares me every day 
  • Go on an adventure

4. Improve My Time Management

  • Reduce the daily time trolling the internet. If this was an income producing job, I would be a billionaire.
  • Set a schedule for at least one day of the week
  • Keep to a set schedule. Set reminders and make lists if needed, but get things done on time. 
  • Take the word busy out of my vocabulary. I simply cannot stand how often this word is spoke from my mouth.

5. Learn Japanese

  • Accomplish the first 1-2 Rosetta Stone levels for Japanese

6. Remove the Excess from Life

  • Clean out one room/closet a month and donate or sell the unused things
  • Seriously cut back on buying things on a whim

7. Save more

  • Put more monthly income into savings
  • Again, cut back on buying things on a whim. Everything passes a list of questions- do I need it? will it improve my life for longer than a week? Does it help me accomplish my goals? Could this money be better used if saved? 
  • Keep better track of finances. Not that I am bad at this, but I am pretty bad at this.

8. Improve My Fitness Capabilities

  • Try one new workout a week
  • Work out 4-6 times per week
  • Complete 1 yoga flow per day
  • Complete 2 races in 2014
  • Begin my yoga instructor certification and/or become a yoga instructor

9. Volunteer More

  • Either become a big sister or work at an animal rescue, go on a volunteer trip, or become involved with one more local organization that has values and leadership I agree with. 

10. Improve My People/Social Skills

  • Read books related to the subject
  • Work with more people in life
  • Meet with at least one friend a week
  • Talk to one person you do not know per day 
  • Be in the moment/pay attention

What are some of your resolutions and goals for 2014?