Happy 4th of July 2-3-7 Workout

by Jenni in


Happy 4th of July! 237 yeas ago today, the United States of America was born! To celebrate, the hubs and I will be going to the beach with some family and friends for barbeque, sun (hopefully), and some fantastic fireworks. I cannot wait! Since we are usually up at camp when the 4th hits, it is unusual for us to be able to watch the fireworks, especially from our hometown.  

To celebrate these 237 year of independence, I created a 2-3-7 workout. This workout is super simple and will bring you through a circuit of exercises twice, three times, then seven times. I am so sorry for the lack of pics, but each exercise is pretty self explanatory. Plus, I am pretty excited about the workout and pics debuting tomorrow!!!

Complete three circuits. Start with completing each exercises twice in the first circuit,  three times in the second circuit, and seven times in the third circuit. Rest for ten seconds between each circuit. 

Jumping Jacks

Stand up with feet hip width apart and hands at your side. Simultaneously jump legs about three feet apart and clap hands together overhead. Once hands are overhead, jump back to starting. That is one, complete 2 in the first circuit, then 3, then 7 in the final circuit.  


Stand with feet hip width apart with hands on the hips or bent upwards by your chest. Step the right leg out in front of you and bend the back and front legs until the back leg is almost touching the ground and the front leg is at a 90 degree angle. Slowly rise back up, bringing the left leg forward, beside the right. Be sure that the front knee does not extend past the front toe, this can injure your knee.

Complete 2 per leg, then 3 per leg, then 7 per leg. 

Plie Squats

Stand straight up with hands on the hips and feet shoulder width apart. Rotate feet outward so your toes are pointing in opposite directions. Slowly bend the legs as deep as possible, making sure to keep the body straight and the bum tucked in. Hold, then slowly rise back up to starting. Complete 2 in circuit one, then 3, then 7 in the final circuit.


Lay with your back on the floor, knees bent, and feet on the ground. Place your hands under your neck, making sure to keep the neck loose and eyes upward. Contract you abs so that your upper body lifts off the floor, hold, then slowly return to starting- making sure to keep shoulders off the ground. Complete 2 in the first circuit, then 3, then 7 in the final circuit.


Get into plank position with hands directly under shoulders and body straight- we do not want sagging! Bend the elbows and slowly lower down so you are almost touching the ground with your nose. Hold, then slowly rise back up to starting. Complete 2 in the first circuit, then 3, then 7 in the final circuit.  

Bridge Pose

Lay on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Tuck your shoulders under and lift your bum and torso off the ground. The only things on the ground should be your feet, arms, and anything above the tops of your shoulders. Hold this position for 20 seconds in circuit one, then 30 seconds in circuit two, and 70 seconds in circuit three. Be sure to keep the bum lifted as high as possible in all circuits. 

For advanced, alternate lifting the right, then left leg in the air. Each leg should be lifted for the 20 seconds, 30 seconds, and 70 seconds.