Workouts for Travel

by Jenni in

One of the biggest learning curves for me when I started working out was understanding how to workout when we travel. Since we travel a TON, this was quite the Achilles heal. But, I have realized that most hotel rooms give enough space for basic exercises and free wifi means free workout videos!

Bringing workout equipment or visiting a hotel gym are two fitness ice breakers I am a bit ashamed to say I have not accomplished. Sure, I will bring my tennies when there are definite plans for a run, but otherwise, I opt for a cute pair of heals over sneakers. That is why all of these workouts in our travel rundown can be done without equipment or shoes. See self, working out while traveling can be easy!

The Hotel Room Workout

Let's start with a workout that was, literally, made for hotel rooms.  


The entire workout should take about 15-minutes.  


The workout is great for the core and legs. There are plenty of planks in this exercises and nothing takes lots of movement or space. There are six exercises, ranging in time from 30 seconds to two minutes. Only one circuit is needed to burn 100+ calories!

Workout to Reduce Bloating

There are two parts of a tropical vacation that I hate 1) leaving 2) having that post-airplane bloat. This workout cannot solve problem one, but thank goodness, it pulverizes problem two! 


20-minutes that can count as a cardio workout but will not take up the usual cardio workout space.  


This workout gets to the core with some nice twists and jumps.  

Commercial Break Workout

Since this workout is for commercials, it does not take up much space and can either be completed while watching commercials or all together in a circuit. The Elevated Push-Ups can be done on a chair, or even by dangling those tootsies off your bed.


This workout was made to be completed during the commercials of one, 30-minute show. If you are watching something a bit longer, you can always double-up for a bit more of a burn. The workout will take 16-minutes if done as a complete workout without commercial breaks. 


There are four circuits, each working a different area for a full body workout. It will really get legs, arms, and the lower abs.  

Plank Workout

Planks are one of my favorite exercises while traveling. They can be done about a million different ways and work the entire body. These guys also only take up as much space as we do, horizontally.  


Depending on how long you hold each pose, the entire plank-tastic workout should take about 15-minutes.


This will works the arms and core like madness. The down dog stretches between each exercise will strengthen the back while stretching the legs.  

Arms Like Michelle Obama

Get ready to wear those strapless dresses and adorable tanks to your hearts desire! A few rounds of these and your arms will have no jiggle left.  


The entire workout will take about 25-minutes. If you want to increase the burn, hold each pose for ten seconds longer. To reduce the exercise time, hold each pose for five seconds less than directed. 


Your arms. All of them. Everywhere.