5 Must-Try Spring Activities to Burn Calories

by Jenni in


Spring is in the air, everywhere I go... ​

The weather is getting gorgeous with sunny days and cool temperatures and all I want to do is go outside! There are a great many activities that welcome the spring and get us moving at the same time. Activities like swimming, surfing, hiking, and biking are great ways to get out and see nature while taking some of those unneeded calories off our hands- or thighs, if we wish to be literal. 

Here are a few activities that will get you outdoors and keep those Girl Scout cookies at bay! ​

Walk The Beach

​This is a must do any time I go to the beach. Walking the beach is sooo relaxing, but it is also great for our shape.

To kick up a calorie burn, try walking in the water. Walking in water up to your thighs can burn up to 600 calories in an hour! This is due to the 14x resistance in water compared to air. Your legs will get a great workout and your arms will get some extra sun- win win!

Go on a Hike

If you live in an area that has beautiful hills or mountain sides, you are probably already a hiking champ. Hiking is great for our legs and core, and also lets us get out and enjoy that beautiful nature. Best of all, hiking in a hilly area could burn upwards of 650 calories per hour! That is a pretty good workout addition or replacement, especially when you include the relaxation benefits! ​

Try taking your pooch out for a walk during the day or after work, you will both love the extra time outside and the low-impact movement can be great for everyone's joints! Don't have a puppy? Do not fret, there are plenty of friends who would love to put there's on loan, or animal shelters that encourage people to take their canine pals out as well. ​


If you have never tried surfing, I highly recommend it. ​Surfing with a long board is easy to get the hang of, and it is super fun to be pushed along by a wave. Start out simple with a long board, some small waves, and a friend that can give you an extra push- you will be Kelly Slater in no time! Perk, surfing small waves intermittently for 1 hour can burn 450+ calories and give you literal washboard abs... Not to mention the extra leg power from balancing and the massive arm workout your will get from paddling...

If you are landlocked and this idea is making you a bit upset, there are some great options for you as well! Indoor surfing has become pretty popular over the last few years. Check your area to see if any of these are available. No, it is not the real deal, but it will just make you that much more prepared when the real thing comes your way! ​


​I put kayaking on this list with a heavy heart. After my first (and last) kayaking experience, the hubs has banned me from kayaking for good. To be honest, I cannot completely blame him. My kayaking skills are reminiscent of a fish out of water that is now trying to steer a boat. Awful.

But, for all those super coordinated (or those who have some form of balance), kayaking can be a great way to get out ​on the water while being completely eco friendly. Whether you are kayaking around a lake, down a pretty river, or on the open ocean in search of your own private island, kayaking can be a great way to relax and see some lesser known areas of nature.

Kayaking will also work your core like P90X and get those arms ready for your local gun show, for reals. Depending on how rigorous your kayaking experience is, it will also burn somewhere between 250 and 500 calories per hour. Yes, please!​

Ride a Bike

Bike riding is a great way to get the wind in your hair and enjoy some of that sunny, crisp spring weather. ​With bikes becoming more popular, there are tons of new trails popping up in almost every city in the US. If you live anywhere near train tacks, there is a large chance you are right on top of a fantastic and new biking trail.

There are a great many unused train tracks that have now been converted to biking trails. These are fantastic ways of getting out of the city while still being in town. Many trails have beautiful scenery that you may not even know existed so close to home! Best of all, biking will help your legs and bum get ready for those summer short shorts, and the relaxing hour on your bike can burn between 300 and 600 calories!