Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred

by Jenni in

One of the lovely commenters over at All Women Stalk mentioned this oldie-but-goodie intense workout. The video is part of a series of three. Each video is done once a day for ten days. You will need weights to complete this (resistance bands should work too) and Jillian recommends doing all your measurements beforehand if you are really serious. This means measuring your weight, fat percentage, thigh circumference, and waist size. Then measuring again at the end of 30 days.

I love Jillian Michaels and am so impressed that she can talk while doing this workout. That is intense. The workout is great on it's own or with the shred. It is not as intense as P90X, but hard all the same! Jillian will keep you sweating the whole way though, it is very difficult to cheat on what she instructs, even when you know she cannot see. It's also a bit fun to see her a few years younger, and slightly tougher too!