Meat Free Mondays: Vegetarian To-Go

by Jenni in


Sometimes, even the most disciplined of us run out of time and need to pick up some quick food on the go. Good thing there are some great to-go options, even for the vegetarians among us. Even better, there are some vegetarian options that are healthy! Yep, you can eat on the go and not be ingesting the equivalent of packing filler. Here are a few of my favorite healthy vegetarian to-go options!

Panera Bread

I won't lie. A lot of their stuff is really bad, like Big Mac bad. But, some things are ok. Stay away from anything that has the word "power" since that has high amounts of fat and carbs. Everything on this list is free and clear to eat without a guilty conscience!

Low Fat Garden Vegetable with Pesto

For 1.5 cups, its pretty good!

    • 150 calories
    • 5 grams fat
    • 1 gram saturated fat
    • 27 grams carbs, 12 being from fiber
    • 4 grams protein

    Low Fat Vegetarian Black Bean

        • 240 calories
        • 2.5 grams fat, no saturated
        • 50 grams carbs, 9 being from fiber
        • 12 grams protein

        Full Classic Cafe

        This comes with two types of lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, and a balsamic dressing. Not too bad in the carbs and calorie department, but the protein is a bit lacking...

        • 170 calories
        • 11 grams fat
        • 1.5 grams saturated fat
        • 18 grams carbs, 3 from fiber
        • 2 grams protein

        Full Greek Salad

        Oh, I love Greek salads, and this one is not bad... Especially when you consider it has cheese and a fatty dressing!

        • 380 calories
        • 33 grams fat
        • 8 grams saturated fat (sad, I know)
        • 15 grams carbs (celebrate!), 5 from fiber
        • 8 grams protein


        This may be surprising, but there is only one thing on this list and it is not a salad. The salads could be healthy if you got a streaker and used your own dressing, but the Moe's dressings are terrible for you. Terrible! Even the southwest vinaigrette has fat, calories, carbs, and sodium that is through the roof... Some is at your daily max! Opt for the burrito bowl instead, or just use your own dressing.

        Tip: Stay away from the tortillas here, they can add up to 250 calories!!!

        Burrito Bowl

        A burrito bowl with some black beans, tofu, lettuce, cilantro, guacamole, cucumbers, corn pico, and tomatoes is not that bad. May actually be considered god!

        • 359 calories
        • 14 grams fat
        • 2 grams saturated fat
        • 37 grams carbs, 14 from fiber
        • 20 grams protein

        Jason's Deli

        I love restaurants with [clean] salad bars! You get to choose what goes into them, and there is no need to pay extra for a substitution! Jason's deli has some great options with pastas, salads, wraps,baked potatoes, and sandwiches. Just stay away from the complimentary soft serve ice cream if you are going healthy! 

        Spinach Veggie Wrap

        This is, probably, one of the healthiest options on the entire list when it comes to having bread...

        • 350 calories
        • 16 grams fat
        • 8 grams saturated fat
        • 46 grams carbs, 4 from fiber
        • 15 grams protein

        Organic Vegetarian Vegetable

        The serving size for this is 1 cup. It is very low in most numbers, but surprisingly filing!

        • 80 calories (!)
        • 4 grams fat, no saturated fat
        • 13 grams carbs
        • 2 grams protein

        Vegetarian French Onion

        This is, possibly, the best thing ever done for vegetarians! A french onion spu[ without beef AND heathy!? Whoohooo!!

        • 280 calories
        • 20 grams fat (it has cheese)
        • 6 grams saturated fat (again, it has cheese)
        • 31 grams carbs, 2 grams from fiber
        • 2 grams protein

        Salad Bar Dressing

        Not all dressings are created equal. For Jason's deli, the five healthiest dressings (in order of health) are....

        1. Leo's fat free Italian dressing. No carbs, fat, or sugar and 10 calories.
        2. Light Raspberry Cabernet Vinigarette. 60 calories, 4 grams fat, and 7 grams carbs (all from sugar)
        3. Organic Balsamic Vinegar. 60 calories, no fat, and 12 grams carbs (all from sugar)
        4. Balsamic Vinaigrette. 120 calores, 12 grams fat, 4 grams carbs (all from sugar)
        5. Light Ranch. 140 calories, 14 grams fat, 4 grams carbs, 4 grams protein

        There we go! That list should last you at least a few weeks on the eat out list.