Great Holiday Cards from Etsy

by Jenni in

Last year the hubs and I hired a photographer and took plenty of holiday pictures to last the whole year long. Even though we are young(ish) and child free, we thought it was a great thing to do since we had never sent out pictures of our home, had a new home party, and we had gotten two new cats that many people had not yet seen. So, we sent out the cutest holiday card ever made in the history of existence. Two words, kitten tie. Boom.

Since there is no topping last year's epic cuteness of a card, we decided to go the more traditional and less expensive route of finding adorable semi pre made holiday cards. Enter Etsy. This may sound odd, but the hubs is the one who got me started on Etsy for cards. Every card he gets for me is unique, adorable, and perfectly fitted for me... All of them are from Etsy.

Here are the ten cutest holiday cards that I have yet found on Etsy, all for $2.50 or less each! Hehehe, there is also one that I could never send out but is, hands down, my favorite... Can you guess it?