I recently got this book and must say, it is pretty darn awesome! Before The Essential Scratch and Sniff Guide to Becoming a Wine Expert, my knowledge of wine went as far as wine tastes good- open bottle, swirl, sip, drink. The end. Now, that I have the adult version of a child's scratch and sniff, I am a wine connoisseur. Yep, put me in any fine French restaurant and I will impress the socks off any maître d'. Probably. Or, I will simply know my favorite wine and the notes in each.
One of the best parts about this book is that it is scratch and sniff, short, and to the point. Was that more than one thing? Oh well. If you enjoy wine but have no idea what to drink with what or the types there are, let alone the types you enjoy, get this book. You will completely not regret it.