10 Ways to Tone with Resistance Bands

by Jenni in

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Resistance bands are a fantastic tool for toning and elongating muscles. Resistance bands are also much less expensive than other free weight options, are easily stored, and will work more than the area you are exercising. These ten resistance band exercises will tone the entire body while getting us closer to that goal of long, lean muscles. If you wish to combine these for a total workout, simply complete each exercise for one minute, then take a 1 minute break and do it all over again. It is best to start the workout with a 2-minute warm-up as well. The entire workout should take between 25 and 30-minutes.

Hug the World Plie

Works arms, chest, intercostals, and legs. Stand in second position and place the resistance band evenly under each foot. Hold the ends of the band in each hand, keeping arms straight out to the sides. Bend legs while bringing the arms in front of you like you are hugging an invisible ball. Return to starting and continue for 1-minute.

Resistance Band Crunch

Works the abs and inner and outer thighs. Wrap the resistance band around the legs just above the knee. Lift the legs off the ground so your knees are bent at 90-degrees and your calfs are parallel to the floor. Simultaneously complete a crunch while widening and closing the legs. Complete as many as possible in 1-minute.

Extended Leg Side Taps

Works the bum, inner thigh, and outer thigh. Stand with feet hip width apart and the resistance band tied around your ankles. Slowly lift the right leg in the air, being sure to keep the leg facing forward and the hips even. Hold at the highest position possible, then slowly return to starting. Alternate between the right and left leg.

Scissor Legs

Works the thighs, bum, and abs. Lay on your back with legs at a 45 degree angle and the band tied around the ankles. For more advanced, place legs closer to the ground. Simultaneously extend the legs outward while completing a crunch so as you bend inward your legs are separating, then as you lay back down, your legs are coming back together. Be sure to keep your lower back on the ground at all times;

Seated Arm Press

Sit in a chair and wrap the band under the right foot, holding the ends in the right hand. Slowly bring the right fist up towards the shoulder, hold, then return to starting. Alternate sides after 1-minute.


Works the arms, shoulders, back, and torso. This one is oh-so-good! Stand with legs shoulder width apart and the band evenly under each foot. Cross the band over in the center so you are holding the right side with the left hand and visa versa. Begin by beding into a squat, then rising back up and extending the arms at a 45 degree agnle above your head.

Lateral Deltoid Raise

Works the chest, shoulders,  and arms. Stand with legs hip width apart and the recistance band evenly under each foot, holding the end of the band in the left and right hands. Slowly lift both arms up until they are parallel with the ground, making sure that elbows are facing back and the shoulders do not rise at all. Hold, then lower.

Resistance Band Lizard Walk

Whole body. To get the total range of motion for this one, it is best to use two bands. The first band should be under the right foot and held in the left hand. The second should be around the left foot and held in the right hand.

Begin by moving the right arm forward while simultaneously bringing the left leg forward. Complete one push-up here, then bring the left arm and right foot forward and complete another push-up. Continue this push-up/ walking combination until you are out of time or out of room.

Leg Extensions

Works the bum. Stand with the band under the left foot and wrapped around the right ankle with the right foot pointed behind the left. If needed, the back of a chair can be used for stability. Begin by slowly bringing the ret leg up, being sure that the hips stay even. Hold at the highest point possible while keeping legs and back straight, then, slowly return to starting.