15-Minute Thigh Workout

by Jenni in


Thighs are one of my hardest areas to keep in shape, and therefore, one of my most needed areas to work. This workout is geared towards toning those thighs for those super gorgeous gams!

If you are not already warmed up, start by completing 2-minutes of alternating between 30-seconds of jumping jacks and running in place. Complete each exercise for 30-seconds, then repeat the entire circuit two more times. For best results, complete this workout after your usual cardio session 2-3 times per week.

Chair Kicks

These are great for the glutes and inner thighs. For intermediate, place a chair facing towards you, advanced, place a chair facing away from you. Stand to the side of the chair and kick the right, then the leg leg over the chair back (advanced) or seat (intermediate). Be sure to keep the abs engaged, back straight, hips even, and legs controlled during the entire exercise. Continue for 30-seconds.

Hip Risers

This is great for the upper thigh and glutes. It will also work the lower abdominal muscles like madness! Sit with your heels under the bum and knees about one fist apart from one another. Begin by lifting the bum slightly off the heels so the calfs and backs of your legs are not touching. Begin to move the pelvis forward and backward slowly. The back should be straight and the abs should be engaged and doing the pelvic movements while the legs keep you up. Continue for 30-seconds.

Tucked Fetal Curl

I have recently come across these and love them! It will work your inner thigh, glutes, and outer thigh muscles. Lay on your right side with you head being held by the right arm and legs tucked up towards your torso. The closer your legs are to your torso, the more advanced the movement.   

Straighten the left leg and point the left toe, making sure that the left leg stays at the same level as the right. Slowly lower the leg so your toes barely touch the floor, then raise it back up until your foot is about 12-inches from the ground. Continue for 30-seconds before alternating sides.  

Bridge Dips

These are my favorite exercise for the thighs and bum! Lay on your back with your legs bent and feet on the ground. Tuck the shoulders under so the neck is flat against the floor. Raise your pelvis off the ground as high as your are able to bring it. Lower the pelvis so it is almost touching the ground, then raise it back up. Continue this for 30-seconds. For advanced, elevate the feet so you are only resting on the balls and toes.  

Side Lunge Leg Lift

This will work all areas of the upper leg and bum along with the oblique abs. Start with feet hip width apart then step the right foot out and complete a side lunge. Step the foot back to starting and raise is up to the side as high as you can while keeping hips even and the knee facing forward. For advanced, try not to let your right foot touch the ground between the lunge and the leg lift. Continue on the right side for 30-secnds, then alternate to the left.

Inner Thigh Squeeze

This isometric exercise will work all of those tiny muscles in the inner thigh and bum. Lay on the floor, making sure that the lower back is flat against the ground. Bend your legs and lift them off the ground at a 90-dregree angle. Place a small pillow between the knees and begin squeezing the knees together and expanding them back out while keeping the pillow held in the same position. Continue this movement for 30-seconds.

Side Extensions

These work the inner thigh, bum, outer thigh, abs, and arms. Start with all fours on the ground and wrap a resistance band under the right foot. Hold both ends of the band in the right hand and raise both the hand and foot off the ground. Both the arm and the leg should be parallel to the floor and bent towards the mid-line of the body. Extend the leg back and the arm out in front until both are straight. Hold, then return to starting. Continue for 30-seconds, then alternate sides.