5 Adventurous Ways to Spend Valentines Day- Singles Too!

by Jenni in


This week I decided to go against the norm and break our usual Meat Free Mondays tradition. My creative has been a bit lack-luster in the food category since Valentines day is coming and all I can think of is chocolate. Too bad chocolate is already "meat free" or we would be going a little crazy with about 50 different recipes that are the opposite of healthy- maybe it is for the best we aren't, fitness site and all... 

Instead of a food, today we have some great ideas for a non-traditional valentines day. So cancel those reservations at the uber nice, somewhat stuck-up restaurant and DVR your shows, we are going adventuring!

Paddle Boarding

I put this first because this is what I want to do most! Paddle boarding is a great way to relax, see nature, and spend time together- the massive calorie burn is just a little bonus. There are some great paddle board tour companies out there for those who do not wish to go it alone. They do everything from teaching you how to showing you the hidden gems of your local waterways; some are even on groupon right now! Best of all, there are romantic tours that promise sunsets, scenery, and wine. Now that sounds like an adventure done fancy! 

Bungee Jumping 

Take the plunge, both literally and figuratively with this activity! This adrenaline kicking jump is sure make some memories that will not be easily forgotten. There are even natural bungee sites that you hike a few hours to get to. What could be better than getting out of the city for a few hours for a hike, then a leap! I think I would do this on Valentines Day for all the punny jokes alone... Taking the plunge, leap of faith, falling in love, head over heals- they just keep coming! 

Rock Climbing

Ever since I saw 28 Days with Sandra Bullock, I have wanted to rock climb. It is so Sandra Bullock to make rock climbing look like the most adorable and fun way to spend a day. Rock climbing is also a great indoor activity if the outdoor weather is not up to Valentines day par.  There are tons of gyms that offer rock climbing, and even, some that are rock climbing only .

The indoor facilities offer everything from beginner with lessons to advanced crazy-person climbing. Nothing better than learning a new skill with that special someone, or with a group of your friends. There are bound to be a few laughs along the way!


If you have a competitive streak, this may be your best date ever. You can paintball one-on-one with that special someone, or get a few friends together for some extra fun!  There are both indoor and outdoor paintball ranges, some offer equipment for rent as well. 

If you are keen on the idea of running and shooting but a bit nervous about going to work with paint in your hair, there are some great laser shooting places too! No, laser shooting is not quite as intense as paint-balling, but you can go to dinner after, instead of home to ice those sores. 

Skiing/Snow Boarding

Hello northern states, do not think I forgot you still have snow on the ground and freezing temperatures! There are some awesome activities for those snow bunnies and they end with cuddling beside a fire and hot cocoa. Score! Two great ways to spend a snowy Valentines day are skiing and snowboarding. These activities are some of my favorite things to do in the snow since you get a massive workout, you get to see pretty snow (Florida does not have that), and hot chocolate is a tradition. Seriously, I can think of very few activities that so easily embody Valentines Day. Cuddling up next to a fire with some hot chocolate noms and that special someone is bound to make anyone happy to have the cold! 

The Benefits of Aloe

by Jenni in

When I was little I remember my Mom going outside, cutting some aloe leaves off our plant, and rubbing the juice on my sun-burnt skin. Fresh aloe was the best things to have over the summer when everyday was a beach day and everyday I came home a bit more red than brown. When we used fresh aloe, the sunburn and pain would be gone before bed that night.

This memory of aloe has always made it one of my favorite plants. Now that I have learned that the benefits of aloe go much further than sun-burnt skin, it is my favorite all over again!

It is no wonder we are still finding uses for aloe vera 5,000 years after Egyptians added it to their daily life. The plant has over 75 nutrients, 12 vitamins, 18 amino acids, 200 enzymes, and 20 minerals- enough to place it in the super food category. Going a little further, aloe is one of the only vegetarian places to find vitamin B12, a natural energizer that also helps with neurological functions.

Since aloe works on the membranes of our skin, it reduces pain from ulcers and aids in healing due to the many nutrients and enzymes. Aloe can also help with heartburn for this same reason. The mucus found in aloe gel can help increase the pH level in our stomachs (making them less acidic), and help repair damaged areas of the esophagus.There has also been new research performed that show aloe to reduce colitis when consumed twice per day and calm psoriasis when applied to the skin.

If you have ever had issues with digestions, aloe could help with that too! The enzymes in aloe kill bad bacteria in places like our gums and our intestinal tract. This makes it easier for our digestion to carry on, unhindered and with a boost. Aloe helps in releasing pepsin, a gastric enzyme used in digestion and also has a high amount of aloin, a naturally occurring laxative.

To get the full effects from aloe, it is best to eat the gel fresh from the plant without cooking. Aloe can be grown indoors in a well lit area with watering once per week. The leaves can also be stored in the fridge for multiple uses.

If having the plant is not possible, there are quite a few aloe products available at health food stores like Whole Foods Market. Be sure to read the label before you buy, not all aloe products are equal. The more whole aloe is used, the better. Drinks like aloe energy drinks or aloe infused water will do far less than an aloe vera gel. My go-to brand is quickly becoming alo Exposed. They use the juice and the pulp plus a few extra flavors to make it yummy!

Disney Blogs

by Jenni in , ,

My 25th Birthday last year at EPCOT :)

My 25th Birthday last year at EPCOT :)

As of today, I have not been to Disney World for one, whole, month. Some may scoff at my sadness over this, but when you are willing lay down a cool couple hundred for an annual pass, one month is a pretty big deal! Since I am going through very obvious withdraws, I have decided to share some of my favorite ways of staying connected with everything Disney. Happiness.

Inside the Magic

This is first because it is my favorite, and my favorites get to go first! Inside the Magic is a blog and podcast hosted by Ricky Brigante. If you are interested in the happenings of Disneyland, Disney World, Disney Corporate, or any other part of Disney- International included- this will be a new weekly fav. Ricky releases a new hour plus podcast at the beginning of every week. Most podcasts go over what has been on his blog in the past week along with listener submitted tips and questions.

As part of the Disney media, Ricky is able to get sneak peaks and early admission to some of the new things Disney is doing. This has been very handy with the New Fantasyland opening, since I am quite impatient and wanted to know everything ahead of time. He was also able to stay and give a review of the Art of Animation Resort and Disney Cruise ships before they were open to the public. Handy. 

I could, literally, go on forever about his site and podcast. But I will not. Instead, I will just emphasize that it deserves a read and a listen!

Run Disney Blog

This is a great blog if you are interested in all the running news at the happiest places on earth. The Run Disney blog keeps you up-to-date on all runs happening at Disney, including the parks outside of Orlando. runDisney is how I found out about the Expedition Everest 5k Challenge and most other Disney races. What is so awesome about this blog is that you get all the dates, links to sign up, training, and results of past races. It is all there, nice and clear and easy to find. Soooo handy and refreshing compared to some other Disney blogs and websites.

This site gets you seriously hyped to go out and run, and especially to go out and run in a fairy tutu through Magic Kingdom. I love pictures and information, and runDisney.com has both, uber happy blogger here!

The Disney Food Blog

Just because I had my favorite first, does not mean this one is last in line. The Disney Food Blog is, actually, the one that ties in most with P+K. Oh goodness, this blog is such a fantastic find for healthy eating while at Disney. The DFB keeps me up-to-date on new openings, menus, and foods on a weekly basis. I would highly recommend checking this site out if you will be making/planning a trip to Disney in the future.

One of the worst things I can think of doing at Disney is just going in and eating somewhere, or worse, making a reservation for a place and having no idea what the food is like. I have done this enough to know that a little research will go a looong way! There are tons of great, sometimes hidden, places to eat at Disney. This blog will help you find them- no matter your dietary constraints.

Buyer's Guide to Tea

by Jenni in


The recommended intake of coffee per day is one cup?! Seriously. That is far less than the recommended six or less of black tea. It is quite obvious that tea is better for us than coffee, but some people have a very big issue with changing from their grande white mocha no whip with soy routines. I will admit to being one of them. The hubs is a massive tea drinker and is helping me get off the coffee wagon with some great tea replacements that do a lot more for me than give me jitters and headaches.

If you are interested in getting of the coffee and onto the tea wagon, there are three places I recommend you go first. All are tea retailers, but they do more than sell teas. There are great recipes and how to's on these sites so you do not have to go it alone. Tea can taste amazing, or like the worst thing ever, these places will help you stick to the former and not the latter.


Adagio is a great place for the tea novice to start their search and the enthusiast to refine their palette. All tea come with a 4 oz. option, great for those who do not know what they like quite yet, and there are recipes available online. Their site is also ridiculously easy to navigate- want oolong, click on the oolong tea cup.

This site is great for someone to go on and learn what types of teas they love, along with some of the benefits. Shipping is free after $50, so pick a few and have a week or two of tea sampling!

Samovar Tea

The picture above is, actually, from one of the Samovar tea lounges in San Francisco. If you are ever in the bay area, I highly suggest checking them out. The waiters really know their tea and will help you through any decision. Plus, they have vegan scones and honey combs (rime-y!), and what is better than that?

If you are not in the bay area, do not sulk, they have a fantastic online store for all your tea needs. The site goes into great detail of where the tea is from, pairings, caffeine levels, and other teas like it. Really fantastic for those wanting to get a bit more information from their tea supplier. Samovar takes it's tea quite seriously, so know that when you pay that price, you are getting high quality.

Try the organic Moorish Mint. So yummy and what I am drinking now!


If you are a bit nervous about ordering teas online before sampling, Teavana may be the best place for you to start your quest. Teavana has stores throughout the US that offer information on teas and samplings. Like Samovar, they are a tea bar and shop, but there prices are a bit more novice friendly and there are one or to more locations...

This is a great place to start if you are wanting some higher quality and diversity than your grocery store, but wish to sample before handing out the cash. Teavana also has great tea related products. One of the best additions to our home was the Breville one-touch tea maker. It is magic and I love it. There are a few better priced tea infusers here and at Adagio and Samovar if you do not want to jump into the tea lifestyle head first.