5 Adventurous Ways to Spend Valentines Day- Singles Too!

by Jenni in


This week I decided to go against the norm and break our usual Meat Free Mondays tradition. My creative has been a bit lack-luster in the food category since Valentines day is coming and all I can think of is chocolate. Too bad chocolate is already "meat free" or we would be going a little crazy with about 50 different recipes that are the opposite of healthy- maybe it is for the best we aren't, fitness site and all... 

Instead of a food, today we have some great ideas for a non-traditional valentines day. So cancel those reservations at the uber nice, somewhat stuck-up restaurant and DVR your shows, we are going adventuring!

Paddle Boarding

I put this first because this is what I want to do most! Paddle boarding is a great way to relax, see nature, and spend time together- the massive calorie burn is just a little bonus. There are some great paddle board tour companies out there for those who do not wish to go it alone. They do everything from teaching you how to showing you the hidden gems of your local waterways; some are even on groupon right now! Best of all, there are romantic tours that promise sunsets, scenery, and wine. Now that sounds like an adventure done fancy! 

Bungee Jumping 

Take the plunge, both literally and figuratively with this activity! This adrenaline kicking jump is sure make some memories that will not be easily forgotten. There are even natural bungee sites that you hike a few hours to get to. What could be better than getting out of the city for a few hours for a hike, then a leap! I think I would do this on Valentines Day for all the punny jokes alone... Taking the plunge, leap of faith, falling in love, head over heals- they just keep coming! 

Rock Climbing

Ever since I saw 28 Days with Sandra Bullock, I have wanted to rock climb. It is so Sandra Bullock to make rock climbing look like the most adorable and fun way to spend a day. Rock climbing is also a great indoor activity if the outdoor weather is not up to Valentines day par.  There are tons of gyms that offer rock climbing, and even, some that are rock climbing only .

The indoor facilities offer everything from beginner with lessons to advanced crazy-person climbing. Nothing better than learning a new skill with that special someone, or with a group of your friends. There are bound to be a few laughs along the way!


If you have a competitive streak, this may be your best date ever. You can paintball one-on-one with that special someone, or get a few friends together for some extra fun!  There are both indoor and outdoor paintball ranges, some offer equipment for rent as well. 

If you are keen on the idea of running and shooting but a bit nervous about going to work with paint in your hair, there are some great laser shooting places too! No, laser shooting is not quite as intense as paint-balling, but you can go to dinner after, instead of home to ice those sores. 

Skiing/Snow Boarding

Hello northern states, do not think I forgot you still have snow on the ground and freezing temperatures! There are some awesome activities for those snow bunnies and they end with cuddling beside a fire and hot cocoa. Score! Two great ways to spend a snowy Valentines day are skiing and snowboarding. These activities are some of my favorite things to do in the snow since you get a massive workout, you get to see pretty snow (Florida does not have that), and hot chocolate is a tradition. Seriously, I can think of very few activities that so easily embody Valentines Day. Cuddling up next to a fire with some hot chocolate noms and that special someone is bound to make anyone happy to have the cold!