A Great, Quick Workout By Tracey Anderson

by Jenni in

This is another one of my go-to youtube workout vids. It was created 3 years ago and I found it because Gwyneth Paltrow featured it on goop.com. It is a wonderful workout that will leave your bum fats begging you for mercy. Show them none.

The workout can easily be done at home and needs no equipment other than a chair. Tracey advises that this workout be done in coordination with a few other workouts of hers. Personally, I use this as a pre-yoga power boost that gets my blood flowing and muscles warm. Either way works wonders though, and if you are in a jam for time, this alone is great too!

After this, I usually do the Get Toned with Yoga sequence and take about 20 minutes to complete. Overall, both these workouts combined are 35-45 minutes of massive tush toning with some core strengthening on the side. Be prepared for a toned tush and some sore sit muscles in the morning!

Gifts for the Yoga Enthusiast

by Jenni in

Being the yoga enthusiast that I am, there are a few yoga related items on my holiday list that your yoga lover may drool over as well. Here are my top three holiday picks for the yogi's out there!

Good leggings are hard to find, and good leggings that don't cost one of your pretty legs is even harder to come by. That is why I am in love with these leggings and the price. The color is bold and fun but still pretty easy to match, and they are thick enough to not show skin... Oh the joy of being able to do a down-dog without fear of what the person behind me is seeing! These leggins also have great thermal qualities and will help you stay cool in the summer but warm in the winter. Gotta love transitional workout attire.

Let's face it, yoga is not all cupcakes and unicorns; you sweat. And no one likes to be the slip and slide floor show in a yoga class. Yoga rugs, towels, and the like will absorb all that hard work and keep us where we should be... No awkward falls here!

I know quite a few people who have this yoga rug and love it. It does not move around on the mat, hands and feet grip to it well, and it will retain the shape through out washing. Best part, the price. At about $25 it is a gift almost anyone can afford and, pretty much, any yogi will love.

Clothes are so wonderful and I love this uber soft, inexpensive yoga top. The shirt is not too slouchy or heavy that it will simply fall off, but it is not one of the crazy tight ones that ride up either. Ugh, I think clothing that rides up is the absolute worst thing during a yoga class! That's why every color option of this shirt will be on my Christmas list this year! Yay for new uber cute and cozy yoga tops and yay for some price conscience workout attire! The shirts range in price from $25- $47 depending on color.

Hotel Room Workout

by Jenni in

Traveling goes with the territory of the holidays. Whether you are staying with family or in a hotel room, this workout is something that can be done with limited space and without disturbing anyone's peace. The entire workout takes about 15 minutes, but is able to get your cardio going and muscles burning! No need to take up extra suitcase room with running shoes, all this workout needs is a towel for the floor.

Calorie burn: 100+

Wall Squats

Start and end this workout with 30 seconds to 1 minute of wall squats. Arms should be at your sides with back completely touching the wall and legs hip width apart. Make sure that your knees are at a 90 degree angle the entire time.

Plank Tuck with Leg Extension

Get into plank position with arms either extended or resting on your forearms. Tuck the left leg in towards the right arm, then extend the leg up so it is as high as possible while keeping hips even. Hold the for 5 seconds then go back to the starting position. Complete one minute per leg.

Side Plank Lifts

Rotate your body to the right from plank position so you right arm is under your shoulder and the left foot is stacked on top of the right. Either keep arm extended or lower so you are resting in your forearm. Slowly lower your body so you are almost touching the ground, then rise back up. Complete 20-30 side plank lifts per side.

Bicycle Crunches

Lay on your back in sit up position. Extend your legs straight out so the are at a 45 degree angle from the ground. Bring left leg and right elbow in so they are almost touching then extend straight out to starting position. Alternate between left and right side for 2 minutes.


Stand with legs should width apart and facing forward. Bend knees as far down as possible while still keeping torso straight. Hold for 3-5 seconds then rise back up. Complete 30.


Complete 50-100 crunches without shoulder blades touching the floor. Hands should be under head and eyes should be looking towards the ceiling. The only muscle group working is the abs. Make sure no back muscles aid in lifting you off the ground.