Yoga for Beginners

by Jenni in

I will not lie, this summer yoga has gone on the back burner and my body has been in serious need of a refresher course. Sure, I had done the Jillian Michaels Yoga Mealtdown or quick flow, but power yoga or a few poses is not the same as a good ole' fashioned yoga flow. If you are in need of some nice, beginner yoga, this fifteen minute flow is for you. It is a slower flow that focuses on balance and beginner poses that will break that yoga ice without breaking any pride. Most of the poses use balance and help increase flexibility, although some will also help with strength- especially in the back! 

I did this flow in the morning before one of our longer road trip days. It was perfect! This Slow Flow comes highly recommended for those with stiff joints or swollen limbs... It will also help increase flexibility and stamina to withstand whatever the day may bring! 

Internet Workout Round-Up

by Jenni in

There have been some fantastic internet workouts posted over the past few weeks. Some of these workouts have become part of my weekly routine, while others are super new to me, and super fun. Can you guess which I have become addicted to? Hint, ​I have been ridiculously addicted to bum and abs workouts of late.

Extra TV Fitness Challenge

Cassey over at Blogilates is a genius. This easy to complete fitness challenge is super fun and gives you they chance to be a star on Extra. Blogilates and Extra have teamed up for a sit-up challenge. See if you can complete more sit-ups than Mario Lopez or Maria Menounos while being distracted. Record your distracted 30 second sit-up challenge and send it in for a chance to win a spot on Extra! 

8 Minute Abs 2.0


Do not let the title fool you, this ab workout is short, but boy is it intense. ​Nicole, from is great at making yummy foods and fantastic ways for us to burn it off. This workout is not exception. The entire thing takes (you guessed it) eight minutes and works the core, oblique, and lower abs. It also gives some extra toning to the bum and thighs. Yes please!

This workout is great, but what really caught my eye were her fantastic Nike leggings. They are gorgeous! ​

Yoga for Knees

It has been a while since we talked about yoga videos available online. Honestly, my new running schedule has taken the drivers seat and reduced the amount of yoga I have been doing each week. Mistake. If you are doing the 10K training along with me, I would totally recommend doing this flow after your run. This flow totally reminded why we need yoga, especially when we are doing abnormal, rigorous activities. ​

You may have guessed it, but strong knees are a bit important for running. This flow works the knee muscles and increases flexibility, making your legs more sturdy and increasing range of motion! ​

5 Ways to Workout at Home

by Jenni in


Going to the gym or working out outside is not always attainable with the cold, the snow, and our always busy lifestyles. But, that is no reason to skip a day of working out. Here are some quick and simple ways to workout at home that will help get us ready for bikini season before the snow has stopped it’s falling... or it just gets warmer out. 


Yoga is one of my weekly home workout go-to’s for a healthy body and relaxed mind. It is wonderful for toning and can help stretch those achy, winter muscles. Different yoga routines can also  help with health issues, stress, digestion, and, even sleep issues. Podcasts like Yogamazing and Yoga Journal have flows for the novice to the expert yogi. These links will take you to their YouTube pages and some of my favorite flows.

Add Planks into a Routine

Planks are one of those wonder workout moves that can be done a handful of different ways and work almost the entire body. Some of of my favorite plank positions include lizard walks, lowered plank, side plank dips, and plank toe rolls. You can even do all of these for a plank-tastic workout! I like to complete a set amount of each with some down dog stretching in between.

Resistance bands

Resistance bands are a great alternative to free weights and much easier to store. Sites like have resistance band bundles that are as inexpensive as $20 and have the weight equivalent of 3 to 202 pounds. Bands do wonders for toning and can be used for many of the same workouts as free weights. Some of my favorite uses for bands are kneel down-chops and x-extensions with resistance bands. These are sure to get your heart pumping and muscles toning!

Get a Routine

Getting in a workout routine is an important part of making sure we workout at home. It can be easy to push back working out until after that show is over or after cleaning out that ridiculously messy closet- procrastination, anyone? Pick specific times and activities to do and stick to this schedule so you don’t inadvertently miss a workout day. If working out is new to you, start with three days, working out every other day of the week. Kick that number up to 4-6 if you are working towards a goal!


Surprisingly, we can get a great cardio workout without leaving our home. Having cardio in your weekly routine is great for our shape, but even better for our heart. The American Heart Association recommends getting an increased heart level for at least 30 minutes per day. This can be done at home with things like knee-ups, kick backs, chair kicks, jump rope, sit-ups, push-ups, and so much more! The best part is that none of this takes up a lot of room. So long winter jogging!