Yoga for Beginners

by Jenni in

I will not lie, this summer yoga has gone on the back burner and my body has been in serious need of a refresher course. Sure, I had done the Jillian Michaels Yoga Mealtdown or quick flow, but power yoga or a few poses is not the same as a good ole' fashioned yoga flow. If you are in need of some nice, beginner yoga, this fifteen minute flow is for you. It is a slower flow that focuses on balance and beginner poses that will break that yoga ice without breaking any pride. Most of the poses use balance and help increase flexibility, although some will also help with strength- especially in the back! 

I did this flow in the morning before one of our longer road trip days. It was perfect! This Slow Flow comes highly recommended for those with stiff joints or swollen limbs... It will also help increase flexibility and stamina to withstand whatever the day may bring!