Ok, this book was a quick read. There are still some things that I am confused about but my main response is WHHHAAAATTTTT?!?!?! Seriously. Ok. How? What?
Yes, I think that sums it up quite well. Oh, and also THE DOGS?!!!??! Ok, that sums it up.
First off, anyone who saw that twist coming without knowing anything about the book is a modern day Sherlock Holmes. Congratulations, now don't do heroin. For the rest of us, I think a re-read may be in order. I mean really, was everyone just playing along with her or were they completely unaware of the crazy going on? I don't know. I do know, however, that looking back, it is soooo obvious. That's why they were so freaked about her jumping off the cliff and why they never got her gifts and why they never went to dinner with the fam! It is also the reason no one called her- something that seriously angered me when I was reading it.
Oh, I just feel so bad for Cady. How awful knowing that everyone you truly love is gone and it was your idea that got them there.
Really, why could they not just get out, then light the fire? whhyyyyy? Also, check the rooms for dogs. Also, not be drinking before doing something so dangerous. What makes it even worse though is that the act produced the desired outcome. The sisters no longer argue, Grampa still plays sides but is nicer about it at least, and material things do not seem to matter quite as much.
E. Lockhart did a great job with this one. I loved the writing style, loved the story, and loved the message behind it. Family. Mistakes. Childhood. Growth. Love. Forgiveness. I also liked that the protagonist was not really a protagonist at all. She is not someone who you would want the life of or someone who anyone would like to embody. She made some serious mistakes and was a bit self centered. Sometimes, we need a few examples of how to be by seeing how we should not.
Also the love that Johnny, Mirren, and Gat showed for Cady is incredible. Seriously. Feeling the transition of how I thought of them when they seemed to be leaving Cady out to how I feel about them now is incredible. E. Lockhart definitely took us through the ringer on that one.
The only downside is not seeing the aftermath. I would have loved to see Cadence come to terms with the loss, visit Raquel and Gat's Mom in New York, and read bedtime stories to the little's. I would also like to see her go back to being a blonde and forgive her Dad. So really, I loved it, but I would have loved it even more with an epilogue.
Oh, and if you want some more reading/entertainment, read the Good Reads reviews. They are epic.
So, how did you like it? When do you think the movie will come out and who are your dream stars for it?