Motivation for Your Monday

by Jenni in

I hope your Christmas was wonderful! We had a great time with lots of family and friends that included parties, Christmas celebrations, late nights, early mornings, and lots of good food! Now, I am ready to sleep, sleep, sleep. Funny, but a nap is definitely in my schedule for today- along with a few meetings and lots and lots of writing.

This 27th year of life has been pretty incredible for me and for a few other people out there as well. Personally, I have accomplished a few personal goals like hiking on the Appalachian Trail and conquered some fears like speaking in front of 1,500+ people. The hubs and I have also started on a few projects that we are so excited to see completed and in a few months the gala that I am chairing will help raise a lot of money for kids!

Goodness, it does feel like this whole year has been a life changer and now I am so excited for the next. And as for motivation, both of these videos are incredible. It is simple amazing what people are capable of doing! This is a great reminder that when we come together and work for good, there is no limit to what we can do. And hopefully, this will help you make some great new goals for the new year, just like it inspired me :)

So, what has been your favorite part of 2014 and what are you looking forward to in the coming year?