10-MInute Isometric Ab Workout

by Jenni in

I first did this 10-Minute Isometric Ab Workout back about 2-weeks ago when I, knowingly, was about to eat some pretty bad food that was guaranteed to make me bloat. Since my experience has been that I bloat less when my abs are stronger, it just made sense. What also made sense was doing isometric ab workouts. This form of exercise will make your muscles quake while still being quiet and avoiding running around... Considering is was 12 AM and I was in a house full of people, the not running around like a crazy person bit was important.

Isometric exercises are also great to do when you cannot sweat a ton or are too tired for that pesky exercising thing. Really, these workouts will feel like you are working out, but in a completely different way that the usual circuit or HIIT workout.

10-minute isometric ab workout

The Ultimate Flat Stomach Workout

by Jenni in

I recently had someone ask me for a workout to help flatten stomachs. Oh stomachs, why must they be so difficult for us to get flat? In my 27-years of life, I have tried a great many workouts to tone that tum, but the best has to be a combination of cardio and toning. Cardio works great for helping burn that fat away, and the combination of toning improves muscle definition while continuing to burn fat after the workout is complete. 

This workout will get that heart going and should keep your heart rate between 75% and 85% of your maximum heart rate. The best way to do this is to wear a heart rate monitor during the workout.

This workout was made to be an intense, ab toning session. It will be a massive workout, but you can do it, for sure! The entire workout takes about 30-minutes and can be done along with another cardio session, or, all on it's lonesome.

To complete the workout, first do each exercise for 90-seconds with a 30-second break between each set. Then, do each exercise again for 1-minute with no break between sets, or a 10-second break between sets. To really kick it up, finish it off with doing each exercise for 30-seconds with no break.

Set One

Complete each move for 90-seconds, then, take a 30-second break between sets one and two. On the second round, complete each exercises for 1-minute with 10-seconds to no break between sets. 


The Ultimate Flat Stomach Workout

This is a great workout for the lower abs and will help get that heart rate going right away! Run on place making sure to keep knees parallel to the floor our higher. 

Alternating Elbow to Knee

The Ultimate Flat Stomach Workout

Alternating Elbow to Knee works the oblique and upper abdominals along with that bum! Complete knee ups, but add a twist. Place hands behind the head, keeping elbows up and shoulders down. Alternate touching the right elbow to the left knee and visa versa. Try to do this as fast as possible while still keeping good form! 

Side Plank Rows (kettlebell optional)

The Ultimate Flat Stomach Workout

I love doing this with a kettlebell since it gives a massive workout to the obliques, intercostals, and trapezius muscles! Start in side plank with feet either stacked (advanced) or with the top foot resting on the floor behind the lower (intermediate). If wrists tend to hurt in plank or side plank, try completing this on the forearm instead.

The Ultimate Flat Stomach Workout

Place the kettlebell chest level in front of you and slowly lift so the elbow is straight up and the kettlebell is almost above the chest. Be sure to lift from the arm and not from the shoulders. Then, lower the kettlebell slowly and start it all over again! 

This should be 90-seconds or 1-minute per side. 

Mountain Climbers

The Ultimate Flat Stomach Workout

One of my favorite for the abs! These are like knee ups on steroids. Get into plank position or forearm plank if wrists hurt. Begin by bringing the left, then the right leg up to your chest; alternating legs each time. The goal here is to complete as many as possible in the time allotted while still keeping good form. Be sure to keep the body in line and not let the tummy droop or the bum stick up. 

Scissor Legs

The Ultimate Flat Stomach Workout

These will work everything from the inner thighs to the upper abs. Sit back on the floor with the forearms supporting you back and legs at 45 degrees off the ground. The lower your legs are to the floor, the greater the results will be. Criss-cross the legs, alternating which leg is on top every time. Legs should extend apart from each other, at least, 2-3 feet and the lower back should be resting on the floor.

The Ultimate Flat Stomach Workout

Set Two

Plank Jacks

The Ultimate Flat Stomach Workout

Plank Jacks are another one that is great for all areas of the core, especially that place we tend to get a little extra pooch. Begin by getting into plank position with feet together. Jump feet out so they are 3-4 feet apart, then jump them back to starting. For an extra kick, go from starting to open to legs tucked into the midline. 

The Ultimate Flat Stomach Workout


The Ultimate Flat Stomach Workout
The Ultimate Flat Stomach Workout

The one we all love! These burn major calories and get our core and bum in bikini shape! Begin in plank position with hands directly under shoulders and the back straight. Jump legs in so they are tucked under your chest, then jump straight up in the air with arms overhead. For an easier version, step legs to the midline one foot at a time. 

The Ultimate Flat Stomach Workout

Russian Twists

The Ultimate Flat Stomach Workout

These are best with a weight, medicine ball, or kettlebell. Russian Twists are sure to work your obliques, back, lower abs, central core, and inner thighs. Begin in boat position with the back straight and lower legs parallel to the ground. There should be no pressure on the lower back here. Bring the kettlebell from the left side to the right by twisting the torso. Hand should only move from one side of the body to the other and arms should barely move at all. 

Knee Tucks/Jackknife

The Ultimate Flat Stomach Workout

This one is great for that central core area. Begin with your back on the floor and arms and legs outstretched and elevated off the ground. Again, the closer your arms and legs are to the floor without touching, the greater the workout will be. 

The Ultimate Flat Stomach Workout

Contract your abs and use this force to bring your body in towards the midline. Legs should come up and arms should move overhead and end on either side of the legs. You can either be in boat pose with legs straight (advanced) or legs bent (intermediate). Slowly lower back to starting and do it all again! 

Plank Tucks

The Ultimate Flat Stomach Workout

These are great for lower abs and obliques! Get into plank position and slowly bring the right leg in towards the left armpit. Continue alternating legs, being sure to keep the bum down and the core activated the entire time. 

Spring is for Abs

by Jenni in

Danica McKellar, you know, Wendy from The Wonder Years, is currently on DWTS and showing off some massive abs. Seriously, This lady will inspire anyone to complete the Pilates 100. Oh, and did you know she is also 38-years old. What??!?! If that is not inspiration, I do not know what is. I think Cassey Ho was a bit inspired by this since she is doing a complete ab overhaul and just released this ab workout

The workout is about 15-minutes long. A week ago we did her Waist Whittlers workout that I completely felt the next day, now, it is all about getting bikini worthy abs! Get ready though, this will be a pretty intense 15-minutes of your life. I plan on doing this today after my usual run. Ahh, no one make me laugh tomorrow!