10-MInute Isometric Ab Workout

by Jenni in

I first did this 10-Minute Isometric Ab Workout back about 2-weeks ago when I, knowingly, was about to eat some pretty bad food that was guaranteed to make me bloat. Since my experience has been that I bloat less when my abs are stronger, it just made sense. What also made sense was doing isometric ab workouts. This form of exercise will make your muscles quake while still being quiet and avoiding running around... Considering is was 12 AM and I was in a house full of people, the not running around like a crazy person bit was important.

Isometric exercises are also great to do when you cannot sweat a ton or are too tired for that pesky exercising thing. Really, these workouts will feel like you are working out, but in a completely different way that the usual circuit or HIIT workout.

10-minute isometric ab workout