A Great [and quick] Yoga Workout!

by Jenni in

Yoga by Candace is one of my favorite yoga channels on YouTube. I follow her on Instagram, liked her on FB, and am obsessed when she puts out a new yoga video. This is one of lasts weeks videos that I have been meaning to share with you for almost that long.

The video itself is not long, but the workout you will get from it is great! There is bum toning, mid section tightening, and muscle elongating. We will be traveling this weekend, and I fully plan on doing this routine while in our hotel room.

Happy Thursday!

What I Missed While in Greece

by Jenni in

Now, I am looking at all the articles, pop culture, and news I have missed over the past week and thinking that it simply must be shared. Because, there is the off chance that you also missed all these goodies and that is simply not acceptable. Happy Tuesday and here's to vacations, the internet, cat babies (who are sitting on your lap right now purring, pawing at your face, and thanking you for the tuna you gave them because you completely forgot they were out of wet food. It happens, don't judge), and coming home!

Oh, and you may see a supreme lack of pictures from Greece on this post. Do not fret, there will be PLENTY in the following week.

Another 20-Minute Kettlebell Workout

Because all the 20-minute kettlebell workouts in the world do not satiate my kettlebell workout desire. I looked at this with longing while kettlebell free in Athens.

These Cookies

They are made with coconut oi and oatmeal. Oh, and chocolate, bananas, and magic.

This Tracey Anderson Workout

I have been eating like a true Grecian and apparently, do not have their god-like metabolism to back it up. This flat stomach workout via flat stomach goddess just might be my ticket to normal-size town! Whoowhoo.

This Outfit

Because it's fall and I love it. I mean really, look at it. Do we need a better reason?!


Full disclosure, I am not sure what is in them or how they are made because I have not clicked on the link. They just look soo good that all I can do is stare, and maybe drool a little.