Toned Legs and Bum

by Jenni in

So, do you remember me saying last week how my legs are in total boot camp for that dress i am wearing in about a week (a week?!)? Well, they completely are. Here are the three exercises I will be doing today in order to get them toned and ready for next weekend's All Children's Miracle Ball. Do this and we can commiserate together on our sore legs tomorrow morning!  

For the Calves

Yea, I have ballet dancer calves... Which means they are anything but slim. This will help elongate those muscles and give stronger, slimmer ankles and calves!  

For the Thighs

Did you know that most women want slimmer thighs? Thigh exercises are some of the most popular out there. Here is a workout that will give your thighs a growth spurt in the muscle category!

Legs and All Over

Both of these first exercises will get me warmed-up and ready for the final yoga flow by my new favorite YouTube yogi. This Yoga for the inner Thigh added to all the other leg workouts is sure to leave me as a puddle of sweat on the floor. Whoohoo, strong legs, here we come!

If you are feeling extra strong, you over-achiever you, do this workout about 15-minutes before dinner. This will help tone those muscles, burn more calories, and reduce the calories stored from your meal.  

Women's Health Magazine Workout Review: Elsa Pataky's Butt

by Jenni in


The June issue of Women's Health magazine has ​a workout that was made for this blog at this time. Yes, P+K has been going a bit crazy about the legs and bum, and it is not ending. This butt workout is the workout that Elsa Palaty's trainer, Fernando Sartorius, has her do to get that world famous backside. Elsa is one of the stars in the Fast and the Furious franchise. She is also an extremely famous Spanish actress and married to Chirs Hemsworth, also known as Thor. And, just to make her a little more incredible, she had their first child about a year ago in her mid thirties. If you have seen the Women's Health cover, you will understand why this is so impressive. I must do her workout. Daily. Forever.

​This workout falls in line with what so many people are recommending right now. Working out intensely for forty-five minutes or less. Elsa's trainer recommends focusing on the body part you are trying to exercise. Focusing on that body part will increase your workout intensity and fitness results. Thank goodness, the entire workout is comprised of five exercises with about fifteen reps each and two to three sets.

​The Workout

I liked this workout. The workout took about twenty-five minutes, but definitely worked more than the bum. Although all of these exercises worked the bum to a certain degree, some worked my legs, specifically my quads, more than anything else. If you, like me, hate working your quads, I would recommend switching out the step lunge with a regular or side lunge instead. The resistance band walk has quickly become my new favorite bum workout. This exercise worked my inner thighs, outer thighs, and the bum. I will definitely be adding this exercise to some future workout routines!

Although I was not sore after this workout, it did burn about 190 calories in 25 minutes. This is a much higher calorie burn than I was expecting, especially since it is not anywhere near a cardio workout. ​I have done much more effective bum workouts than this, but this one was great to mix it up a bit.

These workouts are also great for the bum!