Yoga for the Holidays

by Jenni in

Hello friends! I am sorry for the confusion yesterday and the lack of an actual post. This weekend we were at my uncle's wedding in Miami and I came home on Sunday with a terrible bug. Thankfully, the hubs came home from his film shoot Monday night and promptly took me to the doctor Tuesday morning- you know, since being ill means I am automatically turned into a baby who is capable of doing nothing for herself. Now, I have been on antibiotics for for a day and already feeling better! But, that does mean yesterday was a haze of not caring about anything other than sleep, water, tissues, and food.

Today though, we have two fantastic yoga sequences that I did last week and absolutely loved. The first was completed after a short run and the second was done before bed after the wedding Saturday night. I absolutely loved the sequence before bed. It was the perfect way to finish off the day. After the wedding, my cousin, grandma, and I went back to the hotel and found ourselves tired but not tired enough to fall asleep. To help this, Alicia and I did the evening yoga sequence that was only about 20-minutes long but did the trick. Afterwards we were refreshed and ready for bed. Neither of us remember falling asleep, but we do not remember being awake for long. It was a very good night's rest.

Yoga for Core 30-Minutes

Yoga for Core 20-Minutes

The next morning neither of us wanted to get out of bed, so Alicia asked if there was a good online yoga sequence we could do while still in bed. I found this one by Tara Stiles. It is 4-minutes long and tricks you so good at the end. I would suggest not watching it ahead and doing it tomorrow morning. Tell me what you think of her trickiness!

Make Your Own Rules

by Jenni in

Tara Stiles' Make Your Own Rules Diet book is now available and I have already started reading mine! Of course, there will be a review out shortly- as soon as I can decide whether to read the book then review it or read the book, do the diet plan, and also complete all the yoga flows, then review it. Honestly, the second option sounds much more thorough and quite a bit better. That, however, will take time.

Although I am not a band-wagon dieter, I do appreciate Tara Stiles' health philosophies and need to get my body on a better track than where it is heading. If you are like me, the diet part may not sound so great, but the getting your health and fitness life on track could be what we all need.

Tara seemed very wise in releasing the book before the holidays rather than after. Of course, she could have made more if it was released right before Christmas or at the New Year, but let's face it, we all need a little extra help when pies, potatoes, cookies, and all other not healthy things are being passed around like a necessity.

Really though, I am just excited to get some help with health goals, see what her ridiculously yummy recipes are, and have some fantastic new yoga flows! If that sounds good to you as well, let's do it together! You can order the book by clicking the link above or any of the links in the article :) Now, let's have some fun with health food!

Yoga for Feeling Better

by Jenni in ,

Something sure is going around, isn't it... I feel like every time we go to Disney with our nieces, the hubs and I both come back sick. Good thing for him that he has a Hulk strong immune system; too bad for me, I do not. Whatever we got, his stayed a cold and mine moved into a full blown respiratory infection.  Thanks respiratory infection, you had such perfect timing! 

To say the least, workouts this week were mainly core related and included lots of coughing. Funny, but I actually woke up one morning with sore abs... Not that I was trying to get a good core workout, but if something good comes of this cold, I will be happy with it being some better abs! 

Yesterday was my favorite yoga class of the week, but things were just not going well enough to make that a possibility. So, instead, I did some yoga out on the back porch and used it as a time to twist, flow, detox, and get back on that land-of-the-living horse. The entire workout consisted of these two Tara Stiles yoga flows and in this order. It really ended up being a great 15-minute flow that helped clear up some of my congestion but was not too much for this antibiotic ridden body to handle. 

If you have found yourself a bit under the weather, try these two yoga flows! THey helped me a lot and were fun at the same time. Also, feel better soon!