Last week was the first week in a very long time that I have planned any meals and gone grocery shopping for anything. I loved it. I forgot how mice it is to have plenty of food in the house and be able to make whatever, whenever. It also meant that we ate out way less than most any other week in the past year and we spent far less on food. Honestly, I think it also saved us time in the end. We were not having to worry about who was going to go get lunch or what was for dinner and who would get it, we just ate what was on the menu and in the house.
There were, of course, a few things that did not get prepared, so those have been jumped to this week's list. There were also a few things that I loved- these balls being one of them. They were so good and ridiculously easy to make and kept my sweet tooth in check just fine! I did make a few changes to them and will have the recipe up soon!
As for other meals, here is what we will be eating this week!
- Breakfast: Eggs and Toast
- Lunch: Caprese Salad (it was so yummy last week and easy to make!)
- Dinner: Blue Apron Meal
- Snack: Yogurt
- Breakfast: Fruit and Yogurt Parfait
- Lunch: Meal Replacement Shake
- Dinner: Caesar Salad with Shrimp
- Snack: Fruits and Vegetables
- Breakfast: Meal Replacement Shake
- Lunch: Egg Sandwich
- Dinner: Kale and Salmon
- Snack: apples with almond butter
- Breakfast: Salmon Omelet
- Lunch: Eggplant Pizza
- Dinner: Big night out!
- Snack: Bar
- Breakfast: Meal Replacement Bar
- Lunch: Egg Sandwich
- Dinner: Blue Apron
- Snack: Bars