3 Reads That Just Make Me Happy

by Jenni in

Why hello there! I am in a bit of a writing slump right now and cannot think of a single thing to say. It has been this way for days... Not that I am just being lazy and decided to write a post without a word in this brain. So, instead of writing a whole bunch of words today, I decided to share a few blog posts that have made me happy to read. Because, when you cannot write, you read!

Oh, and a little update on the book club, Gone Girl. I have finished it and the book club is getting together to talk reads and see the movie this weekend. That means a review post will be on the blog next week along with an update on November's reads! I can say, however, that November's book is going to be a bit happier than the last two. For. Sure.

Why We can All Go Out and Buy White Furniture!

This post has made my day, nay week, nay life. There are few things I love more in the world of home design than white furniture. Unfortunately, the hubs has to be the voice of reason and remind we that when it comes to stains, I have the capabilities of a 4-year old eating spaghetti. That being said, I have yet to talk him into any of that beautiful, crisp, clean white furniture. That is, until now.

You see, the hubs respects Emily Henderson as much as I do and Emily Henderson has made a very good argument for why we can all now buy white furniture no matter the messy child/pets/self we have lurking in our home at the ready with jelly fingers and a need to color with permanent markers.

Truths for Floridians Loving this Cold

Fall at EPCOT

If you do not live in Florida, you may not know the heaven that has come upon us. In true November fashion, the weather has become crisp and cool with the sun always shining. November is the best month of the year and a pretty big reason the hubs and I chose it and an outdoor ceremony for our wedding. This article talks about all the things us Floridians do when it gets cold.

I have, literally, done almost every single thing on this list. It is so true and the only thing that makes me mildly sad is that I did not think of writing this post. For reals, Jenni, get it together! Seriously though, you should read this article so you can a) relate to it, or, b) understand us Floridians.

Oh, and the picture? The hubs took that last November at EPCOT. That sunset is just further proof that November is THE BEST in Florida. And that I am going through serious Disney withdrawals.

Inspiration to Keep Running

Have you ever been in a running slump? Welcome to my October. One day, I ran a mile and was convinced I was in the process of dying. That may be a bit dramatic, but running slumps happen and getting out of them is just as important as getting out of a workout slump (I have been guilty of those as well). This article may not talk directly about getting out of a running slump, but it sure does inspire me to run a bit further and a bit faster!

I love Lazy Girl Running and I love this article about her Dublin race. If you want to read all about it, part one can be found here and part two can be found here. Also, part one is a completely different race. Yes, your first thought was correct, she ran two marathons in the same weekend!?!?!!! Now, don't you feel like running that 3-mile loop is totally possible? I sure do :)

September Book Club

by Jenni in

So, September may be more than half way through, but that is not to pick up a great book! Some friends and I recently started up a book club that will be meeting once a month to discuss some monthly reading. We will each take turns hosting, picking the book, bringing snacks, and bringing drinks. This month, I got to choose the book and decided on We Were Liars by E. Lockhart. I heard good things about it and have also heard that the ending is a complete surprise. Other than that, I know nothing.

If you would like to join our monthly book club, that would be so great! We can read them together each month (I promise to notify you of that month's reading sooner than this one) and then come back for a book review. Of course, there will be a spoiler free and spoiler filled section easily seen. That way everyone is super happy with how little or how much information we have.

As for this month's book, I can tell you right now that is fits in the YA category and is based on a wealthy New England family. Two things I had no idea about when deciding on the book! Another thing I have learned is that it is a pretty easy ready. Really. I was halfway through with it after one sitting.

And, since there have been very few fitness related posts this week, I added in some workouts that were recently discovered from Brooke Burke-Chavet's YouTube Channel. Did you know that she had a YouTube channel? I had no idea. Brooke's channel, Modern Mom, is all about health and fitness with guest trainers (Tara Stiles was the most recent), healthy eating, and lifestyle tips. I am officially addicted.

So far, the two workouts that I have done include the Bum workout with Tara Stiles and this one for hip slimming. Both were fantastic and kicked up quite the sweat. They did not make me super sore, but were still great! If you looking for a bum workout that will make you super sore, just wait for the one coming out later this week!

New Finds- New Reads

by Jenni in

There are always, always, always internet gems out there to be discovered. Some of these include Maru, others include those blogs you just cannot get enough of. Funny, but I found both of these sites yesterday while perusing the internets for completely unconnected reasons. Both of these blogs are so much fun to read and laugh with, it would seem a shame to not share and laugh together.

For all of those twenty-something girls out there who are trying to figure your way through this jungle we cal life, you are not alone. Forever Twenty Somethings reminded me of this yesterday through witty banter, style insight, life lessons learned the hard way, and snarky articles about relationships. Yes, this is like the best guilty pleasure there is, and it is not even a guilty pleasure! I am now completely addicted to this site and am only hoping that my adding it to a blog post will make the time I spent reading about a billion articles feel more productive. It counts as blog research, right?

In case you were interested, some of my favorite (and recent) Twenty Somethings articles include this one, and this one, and this one.

Side note: I have heard that the 20's are all about self discovery and working to find your place in the world. Then, the 30's are about life and enjoying it. Do any thirty or forty somethings know this to be true?

I came across this blog while searching for some info on a few of San Francisco's up and coming neighborhoods. This article made me laugh so hard and also led me down that bunny hole we know as "related articles". Seriously, the worst thing ever for this curious lady.

The Bold Italic is like the west coast's version of Cup of Jo but with a group of authors instead of writer and Mom extraordinaire, Joanna Goddard. This blog has all of the San Francisco charm we love, along with more witty banter (I must be going through a phase) and current news. Did you know that Subway took this chemical out of there bread? Learned that bit of info from The Bold Italic.

Some of my favorite posts from here include this sum up of San Fransisco and this one, and this one, of course.