New Finds- New Reads

by Jenni in

There are always, always, always internet gems out there to be discovered. Some of these include Maru, others include those blogs you just cannot get enough of. Funny, but I found both of these sites yesterday while perusing the internets for completely unconnected reasons. Both of these blogs are so much fun to read and laugh with, it would seem a shame to not share and laugh together.

For all of those twenty-something girls out there who are trying to figure your way through this jungle we cal life, you are not alone. Forever Twenty Somethings reminded me of this yesterday through witty banter, style insight, life lessons learned the hard way, and snarky articles about relationships. Yes, this is like the best guilty pleasure there is, and it is not even a guilty pleasure! I am now completely addicted to this site and am only hoping that my adding it to a blog post will make the time I spent reading about a billion articles feel more productive. It counts as blog research, right?

In case you were interested, some of my favorite (and recent) Twenty Somethings articles include this one, and this one, and this one.

Side note: I have heard that the 20's are all about self discovery and working to find your place in the world. Then, the 30's are about life and enjoying it. Do any thirty or forty somethings know this to be true?

I came across this blog while searching for some info on a few of San Francisco's up and coming neighborhoods. This article made me laugh so hard and also led me down that bunny hole we know as "related articles". Seriously, the worst thing ever for this curious lady.

The Bold Italic is like the west coast's version of Cup of Jo but with a group of authors instead of writer and Mom extraordinaire, Joanna Goddard. This blog has all of the San Francisco charm we love, along with more witty banter (I must be going through a phase) and current news. Did you know that Subway took this chemical out of there bread? Learned that bit of info from The Bold Italic.

Some of my favorite posts from here include this sum up of San Fransisco and this one, and this one, of course.