A Great [and quick] Yoga Workout!

by Jenni in

Yoga by Candace is one of my favorite yoga channels on YouTube. I follow her on Instagram, liked her on FB, and am obsessed when she puts out a new yoga video. This is one of lasts weeks videos that I have been meaning to share with you for almost that long.

The video itself is not long, but the workout you will get from it is great! There is bum toning, mid section tightening, and muscle elongating. We will be traveling this weekend, and I fully plan on doing this routine while in our hotel room.

Happy Thursday!

A Squat-tastic Workout

by Jenni in

The July Squat Challenge officially comes to an end today and I have been LOVING IT. Have you noticed a difference in your rear? I have. It seems to be a little less giggly and a little more apt to defying gravity... Which, like the song, will get a standing ovation from fee any day!

There are two things I have been considering since this July Challenge began. The first is to keep it up and start all over in August. Sure, my glutes may be stronger than they were when we began doing six reps of each, but they could always use the reminder. The second thought has been to simply do a massive squat workout that would set fire to the muscles of our bum, thighs, and heck, core. For now, let's go with the second option.

The entire squat workout will take about 15-minutes and leave your legs quaking. Get ready, 15-minutes of squats may not seem like much now, but it is! By minute three I was dripping sweat and convinced this workout was a bit too crazy. Then, it ended and all was right with the world again :)

If you are really feeling good, try doing this on top of the final day of the Squat Challenge. You will have quite a few squats under your belt, my friend. If you are not sure what something is or how to do it, I have linked how-to's for each squat below :)

A Squat-tastic Workout