This Week in Workouts: New Things

by Jenni in

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This week was, yet again, centered around yoga and a few new workouts that I have never done before. We were staying with our Grandma this week, so almost every workout had to be something I could do without equipment or gym. It ended up being a really great week for workouts; I was  complete some workouts and classes that I have never done before and definitely push way farther than was originally planned.

I also did two days this week without any starches. That's a pretty big deal considering that I could eat a loaf of bread in the time it takes most people to butter one slice. For reals. We were able to do a low country boil this weekend, which was fantastic. And I also made the hubs new favorite meal on one of our/my starch free days... It was so good that I did not even miss the bread!

Monday: 1-mile warm-up run followed by Ali K's Yoga for Beginners Workout. I don't care if the title says it is for beginners, this sequence works up a sweat every time! Then practice for compass pose (I got to the intermediate/advance position!!!) and headstands- 15 seconds FTW!

Tuesday: 3-mile run and this yoga sequence by Tara Stiles before bed.

Wednesday: Rest Day

Thursday: 60-minute Power Hot Yoga class at my favorite hot yoga studio in town. This was my first time trying a hot power yoga class and having my form complimented by a hot yoga instructor. Yea, Thursday was a good day!

Friday: Ballet Workout followed by Tara Stiles Yoga for Sleep flow. Then, more headstands. My arms were super sore from Thursday's flow so everything was leg centered for pain relief...

Saturday: First this workout, then this one by Tracy Anderson. Yes, I did them in reverse order, but it was still great. These were directly followed by the core workout from Tara Stiles. By the end of these three I was dripping with sweat. Arms still sore from Thursday- must make chaturanga arm workout!

Happy Holidays and a Workout

by Jenni in

Happy holidays everyone! I hope that you had a fantastic Thanksgiving weekend with lots of friends, family, and super yummy food. The hubs and I were able to spend time with family from out-of-town all weekend, and I absolutely loved it. Everyone headed home yesterday and today is all about decking the halls with a side of catching up on some major work. Still considering putting pics of the fully decorated house up on P+K, but it may depend on just how good everything looks.

I am not sure about you, but for me, working out took a back seat to spending time with family over the holiday weekend. There was one day that I was able to complete one glorious run, but that was it. Now, to get back into the workout swing again. This quick workout will definitely be one of those I will be doing today along with some workouts from a certain Shape magazine that will be reviewed on a later date!

If you are looking to get back into the workout swing, this 10-minute workout is fantastic! My bum and abs are the two first places that begin to show a lack of workout enthusiasm. For that reason, they are the two areas that I focus my attention the most. Arms are great and I love me some strong, lean ones, but they seem to roll with anything without changing much. Abs are better than the bum, but oh those thighs! This workout

Toned Legs and Bum

by Jenni in

So, do you remember me saying last week how my legs are in total boot camp for that dress i am wearing in about a week (a week?!)? Well, they completely are. Here are the three exercises I will be doing today in order to get them toned and ready for next weekend's All Children's Miracle Ball. Do this and we can commiserate together on our sore legs tomorrow morning!  

For the Calves

Yea, I have ballet dancer calves... Which means they are anything but slim. This will help elongate those muscles and give stronger, slimmer ankles and calves!  

For the Thighs

Did you know that most women want slimmer thighs? Thigh exercises are some of the most popular out there. Here is a workout that will give your thighs a growth spurt in the muscle category!

Legs and All Over

Both of these first exercises will get me warmed-up and ready for the final yoga flow by my new favorite YouTube yogi. This Yoga for the inner Thigh added to all the other leg workouts is sure to leave me as a puddle of sweat on the floor. Whoohoo, strong legs, here we come!

If you are feeling extra strong, you over-achiever you, do this workout about 15-minutes before dinner. This will help tone those muscles, burn more calories, and reduce the calories stored from your meal.  

Three Favorite YouTube Workouts

by Jenni in

Oh how I love my YouTube workouts! YouTube is a great place for adorable kittens, funny internet shows, and (who knew?) great workouts! Every week I scour YouTube for new workout videos to try, and, if they are good, share with you. Many workout how-to's do not even make the cut, but out of those that do, even fewer become my favorite workouts. Out of all the workouts that we have done together via YouTube, only a handful make the cut to be my favorites. Here are three of those! 

Tracey Anderson for Gwyneth Paltrow

Ok, this quick workout was my introduction to YouTube workouts and my first real workout love. Tracey Anderson says she made this workout for Gwyneth Paltrow, but I am pretty sure she really made it for me. It is the best workout I have ever done for my bum. Ever! The entire bum workout takes about 20-minutes and only uses a chair. You can do this along-side some cardio for the day, or use this as an exercise for a busy day. Either way, it is an incredible workout that your legs and bum will thank you for... After they are done crying in pain.

Jillian Michaels Yoga Meltdown

If you, or someone you know does not enjoy yoga, have them do this. Jillian Micahels' form of power yoga is, really, nothing like yoga, but will give some of the benefits yoga has to offer. Yoga Meltdown will help burn fat and increase muscle flexibility.  

It is one of the longest YouTube workouts I have ever done, but it is totally worth the 35-minute investment. Yoga Meltdown will work almost every muscle in your body- especially the arms and torso!

Cassey Ho What Makes You Bootyful Workout

A list of YouTube workouts is not complete without YouTube's workout darling, Cassey Ho. Cassey Ho has been doing Blogilates workouts for as far back as I can remember. This workout is ridiculously quick and super effective. It is comprised of bridge poses that will work your bum like madness! Enjoy this quick little workout and the massive results it will bring after five intense minutes of bridge pose obsession.