Whenever I go to yoga class my yoga instructor begins by asking us to recognize our intention for the class. When the class concludes, she asks us to thank our bodies and set our intention for the rest of the day. It is amazing what this does for my class and my day. The intention I usually set has a great deal to do with peace, confidence, and pushing myself past what boundaries I believe exist.
This simple set of intention pushes me past thinking of my to-do list and all the people I must contact or e-mails that must be read and makes me see the greater picture of my day. How I effect others and how I let my situation effect me. What a difference stepping back and looking at the difference I can make for my own day and for others' can make! It is a wonder that I set goals, make to-do, grocery, and call lists but do not wake up and set my intention for the day or the week.
My intention for this day and this week is to be at peace with myself, bring peace to others, and have a productive day and week. I hope to push the boundaries of what I think I can do and expand my "comfort zone" to that unknown. To be kind and patient with others (and myself), and to live with courage and conviction.
Have a Wonderful Wednesday :*
Conversation: Do you set an intention for your day?