Man, people told me how painful getting my wisdom teeth removed would be but I really had no idea they were right. Unfortunately, this week's This Week in Workouts is not too eventful because I have not been able to really workout since last Tuesday. The side of my mouth that had the simple extraction have been fine the whole time and hardly swelled, the other side, however, has become the bane of my existence. First off, did you know your cheek can swell so big that it impairs your vision? Well, it can!?! Also, that whole "you'll be able to eat anything normal two days after surgery" thing is a lie- at least for me. Getting my mouth to open more than a centimeter is, possibly, the hardest thing I have ever done.
This whole oral surgery was worse than I thought it would be thing is just a big way of me excusing and apologizing for the radio silence all last week... and the fact that this post is a day late. I am sorry. Let's be super good friends again :)
Hopefully, today will be my first day back to working out. I am thinking something simple with no hard impact or inversions that will hurt my giant cheek. Maybe even making a working that can be posted in the coming weeks? I will probably also go back to a liquid diet for a few more days so if you have any great juicing or smoothie recipes, send them my way :)
Even though I did not get my two Orange Theory classes or one Hot Yoga class in last week, I did get to go on some pretty great walks! The hubs took me to the beach at sunset on Friday to cheer up my mood. Seeing the sunset and being outside was wonderful! All the beach walking was also great for my joints and stamina considering that the only walking I had done was from the couch to the bed for three days.
Saturday we were able to go to the nearby HUGE park and rowing facility for a walk during sunset. The walk ended up being about 3-miles and saw some pretty beautiful birds. Both of us have made a goal to go running there this week! And, now to the actual workouts...
Sunday: Simple 2-mile run
Monday: Arms and Back Yoga Flow
Tuesday: Morning ab workout and evening Orange Theory class- it was my first one in a while and I have so missed it!
Well, that is it for the workouts. My plan was to hit-up Orange Theory again on Friday and the Advanced Hot Power Yoga class I love on Saturday; neither happen. This weeks goal is simple, run/walk the 3-mile park walk we did the other day. I am hoping to also get in 5+ workouts this week, but make no guarantees... Taking things easy and letting this face heal is my number one priority!
Happy Monday!!!