No one likes being bloated. That bloated feeling we get can be due to a few different factors. Those who have recently stopped exercising for more than a week are more likely to get bloated. Of course, the foods we eat also have a great deal to do with how bloated we get. Try this twenty-minute workout to reduce the bloat on those days when you feel like a bubble ready to pop! To really kick up the results, try adding a few of these foods into your diet.
This exercise works with cardio and core training. Cardio and core exercises are two of the best ways to reduce the bloat since cardio helps unneeded gas pass through our system and core strengthens our abdominal muscles.
Warm up with 30 seconds of jumping jacks, followed by 30 seconds of knee-ups. Repeat this once. Then, do 12 reps of each exercise and 3-4 sets, total. Rest for ten seconds between sets.
Standing Leg Lift
Begin standing straight up, legs hip width apart and the weight in your right hand. Extend your right hand over your head, giving your body a slight curve to the left and bring the right leg out so your toes can barely touch the ground. Then, lift the right leg in the air while bringing your right arm down towards the leg. Be sure to keep your knee and chest facing forward. Once the right hand and leg touch, lift the arm back up overhead and bring the leg back to the extended pose. Complete 12 per side.
For advanced, use a resistance band or weight held in the moving hand.
Jumping Lunges
These are a great leg and cardio workout! Begin by bringing the right leg back into lunge position. Hold this position, then jump up into the air, bringing the right leg forward and the left leg back. Complete one more lunge, then jump in the air again, alternating legs with each jump. Continue to complete 12 lunges per side.
Three Way Crunches
Lay on your back with legs bent and feet on the floor. Place hands under your neck and lift off the ground so nothing above your shoulder blades is touching the ground. Contact your abdominal muscles so you are being lifted off the ground by your abdominal strength alone. Hold this position, then return to starting. Contract your right oblique abdominals so your right arms moves towards your right hip. Return to starting and complete the same crunch on the left side. Be sure that your shoulders do not touch the ground between each crunch. That is one rep, complete 12 reps, total before moving on to the next exercise.
Plank Jacks
Get into plank position with arms directly under your shoulders and a straight back. Begin by jumping legs out to the side, like a horizontal jumping jack, then jump legs back to starting. To really increase the workout, complete one plank jack, then jump legs up towards your arms and back to starting. Complete 12 plank jacks.
Windshield Wipers
These are great for our abs! Lay on your back with legs together, straight up in the air at a 90 degree angle. Begin by lowing legs to the right, making sure to keep both hips on the floor. Hold this position, then bring legs back up and over to the left side, without pausing at the top. Hold this position, then bring legs back to starting. That is one rep. Complete twelve reps, total. For an advanced workout, contract your abs and lift your bum off the ground when you return to starting position.
For extra support, place you hands under your tailbone.
Knee-Up Kicks
This is very similar to knee-ups, but you kick your foot straight out before binging it back down to the ground. Bring the right knee up like a usual knee-up, then kick the right leg straight out in front of you. Tuck it back in, and alternate bringing the left knee up and kicking the left leg out. Complete twelve per side, making sure to keep arms tucked and hips even the entire time.
This article was originally posted on June 14, 2013 :)