The Essential Oil Cheat Sheet

by Jenni in

I have recently gotten into the essential oils game after a good friend of mine showed me her humidifier and all the oils she uses in it. This friend recently moved from the French Riviera to Florida and brought with her yummy recipes and life tips that I have never heard of. Why she would move from that location I still do not know, but I do know that her tips and tricks seem to be months ahead of our all-natural popularity curve. 

You know something is popular when every fitness place you go to uses it and grocery stores start selling it. That is what has happened with essential oils; they have inundated my life and I am now just as obsessed with them as my friend. 

At the beginning of my essential oil crazy (which I must admit was not very long ago), I was lost and wanted to buy the things that smelt yummy. Although I still believe the yummy-smell-test is a great way to go, I have also learned a bit about essential oils, when to use them, and what to use them for. I also found this incredible cheat sheet that made getting into the essential oils world soo much easier! 

If you are really interested in essential oils, here are a few links to more cheat sheets and information! 

A flow chart showing aromatherapy delivery pathways

Aromatherapy for dummies

Another cheat sheet focusing on skin ailments. 

A nice, clean and simple way to understand the most popular oils

More easy reading info than you will know what to do with :)

Here is another cheat sheet for all your essential oil cheat sheet needs. It is simple, concise, and a great way to get started without overspending on oils that seem neat but you will never use. I love that this one breaks it down between the necessity of the oil! 
