My New Favorite Workout Hairstyles

by Jenni in ,

One of my biggest problems with workout out has always, always, always been my hair. Hair ties never seem to stay in and I end up redoing it halfway through or scouring the gym floor like a crazy person looking for my hair tie. Can you relate? It is awful. But then, I found out something that changed my life... Are you ready... You do not need long hair to pull off braids and they don't fall out! I know, I felt the world rock at that statement too. 

This is one of those facts that I so wish someone would have told me earlier. I have recently been opened to a world of different braids for different hairstyles and let me tell you, it is magical. Braids do not fall out when you are running, or flop wet hair in your face when you go to down dog. They do not pull on one group of hairs creating the worst headache ever (does this happen to anyone else), and they certainly reduce hair breakage. Here are a few of my current favorite braids. Click on the links and they will even tell you how to do them! 

The Fishtail

This is my go-to braid for everything. Hair too dirty to style? Do this. Lazy but want to make it look like you cared.? Yea, this again. Too many layers for a regular braid? This is your best friend. I once thought fishtails were harder than french braids, then I did one and found out I was wrong. These are way easier and can be done with shorter hair and still look great. If you really want, pin a few of the loose ends back once you are done. 

Side Braid

For all those girls out there with short hair or bangs that you just do not know what to do with- this hairstyle is for you. Of course, girls with long hair can do it too. And, of course, we can do this for more than going to the gym. It is also so very simple that anyone would get this done in no time! 

French Braid

This one is the traditional and constant. These are usually the first kind of non-braid, braid that girls learn. It is a tried and true staple and so great for those with super long hair or with less layers than me. Once you know how to do it, they are one of the easiest things to do. This tutorial is great and will get you over that learning curve quick. 

Braided Bun

For those out there who hate nothing more than hair falling on their sweaty back during a workout, this one's for you. This bun can be done with medium or long hair and is sure to not move around while your are working. It is also ridiculously good looking because we all secretly want to go to the gym not looking like a hobo. 

Personally, I prefer doing this one right on the top of my head. It makes head stands harder, but the more important resting pose is so much easier with nothing between my head and the floor.