Happy Monday

by Jenni in

Happy Monday! Depending on whether you watched the Superbowl and what team you wanted to win, today could be a very happy day, or not so much. I was totally for the Broncos (even though the Sea Hawks have way better uniforms), so the night was filled with lots of yelling at a TV. The hubs is still sick, so we spent the night at home with the usual pizza and wings and everything else.

Here is a great workout for all those needing a little extra beyond their usual today. This workout is short and simple and can be added to whatever you were already planning to do. It will also help get rid of whatever we packed on those thighs last night. Yea, I did a lot of the packing on the thighs...

This one may have to be done in a day or two though. That kettlebell workout still has my thighs screaming for mercy and yesterday's yoga did not help!

P.S. What did you think of the coin toss? Did you see who escorted him? Man, everything about that was a train wreck.

P.S.S. Eli Manning's face last night must be made into a meme. Internets, go!