
by Jenni in

There is a new ballet documentary that I have gotten a bit addicted to as of late. It is about the NYC ballet and what the dancers must do to perform, stay competitive, and keep their places.

Did you ever take ballet? For a few of my friends and myself, it was a cornerstone of our childhood. Dance helped my understand graceful movements and physical awareness. Anytime I see a dancer I am amazed at how structured they are- they know exactly what their bodies can and cannot do and how to make them perform to the fullest. It really is incredible!

This documentary currently has two seasons with mini episodes that will not take you long to watch at all. What is really more dangerous is just marathoning this to the end.

Happy Wednesday and I do not think you will be hearing from me tomorrow since it is our anniversary! Do not fret though, there will be a weekly sum-up on Sunday to make up for Thursday's absence :)