The Best Advice for Staying Fit

by Jenni in


I was recently out at lunch with a good friend who asked me a pretty simple, but not too easy question. She asked me what the most important thing that I have learned about staying fit is. This was a pretty pin-point question that caught me a bit off guard. First, decisions like that are one of the hardest things for me to answer, and second, what is the most important thing?

My answer to her was simple, but left me thinking about the response for quite a long time. It seems like the most important thing for myself and most people to learn about staying fit is how to make the fitness commitment and stick to it. Sticking to anything can be difficult, especially something so often tempted as good health. The reason I started this blog in the first place was to make this constant decision to eat healthy and push our bodies as simple as possible. The best thing that we can do is be as consistent as possible, make good choices, and not beat ourselves up when we fail.

Unfortunately, the title of this post may be a bit of a lie. There cannot be one, singular, tip for staying healthy. Every tip comes with baggage; commitment is the same. My answer to her was three part- make the decision to stay healthy, research simple ways to eat healthy and tasty foods, and find a way to exercise at least 150 minutes a week- even all there is time for is a simple 10-minute routine. Funny, but when I think about his blog, those are the pillars that is stands on. Sure, there are a few money saving tips, some lifestyle posts, and the occasional Disney fan fest, but overall, we are in search of simple ways to keep that healthy commitment.

For me, simplicity is the key to keeping up on health. Decisions are much easier when we are able to keep the follow through simple. What is your best tip and secret weapon for keeping a healthy lifestyle?