Full Body Countdown Workout

by Jenni in

After reviewing my first ever countdown workout a few weeks ago, I have completely fallen in love with them. No pun intended, but I have, literally, been counting down to a time when I could create my own.  

Countdown workouts are great for those in a hurry who want to get in an extra sweat session but may not have much time. This workout takes some of my favorite moves and adds them together for a full body workout- countdown style. These moves will work alternating muscle groups, creating an intense workout that leaves no muscle untouched.

This workout has ten circuits. Begin with a two minute warm-up, alternating between 30 seconds of knee-ups and 30 seconds of kick-backs. Then, start doing each exercise ten times and reduce the number of reps by one in every circuit after. By the tenth circuit, you should only be doing one rep of each exercise. The goal with a countdown workout is to put out as much energy for circuit ten as you did for circuit one, getting the movement perfect by the last circuit.

Lumber Jack Lunges

These are best with a five pound weight. If that is not available, complete without any weights at all. Start standing straight up with feet hip width apart and arms raised above the left ear. Lunge back with the right leg while twisting your arms down towards the right knee. Keep the torso straight up while twisting. Rise back up to starting or, for advanced lunges, bring the right knee up to your chest without letting it touch the ground. Complete ten Lumber Jack Lunges per side for circuit one, counting down to one per side at circuit ten.

Knee Tucks

These will work your upper and lower abs along with your inner thighs. Start laying on the ground with your feet and shoulders about two inches off the floor. Arms should be extended above your head. Bend your legs and contract your abs so your chest and upper thighs come into your center; completing a full body crunch. Hold, then extend back out. Complete ten on your first circuit.


Goodness, these are the original arm workout. Get into plank position, making sure your hands are directly under the shoulders. Slowly lower down, keeping the back straight and shoulders down. Stop right before touching the ground, hold, then return to starting. Complete ten on your first circuit.  

Knee Lunge, Leg Kick

This move was created by Tracey Anderson for getting some massive tush toning. Start kneeling on the left knee with the right leg extended straight out at a 45 degree angle and hand on your hips. Lean the body forward and bend the right knee into a lunge, then come back to starting, placing your hands on the ground directly under your shoulders. Simultaneously, kick the left leg into the air, keeping toes pointed and a slight bend in the knee until the last moment. Kick straight up, then return to starting.

Towel Jumps

These will get the heart pumping and work the lower abs and legs. Place a small towel on the floor beside your right foot. Jump over the towel as far as possible while keeping the feet together. Then, immediately jump back to the right side, trying to get as far away from the towel as possible. That is one rep, complete ten reps on your first circuit.

Take a ten second break between each circuit.