Simple Systems: Foods That Cause Bloating

by Jenni in

We have talked about foods that reduce boating before, but what about the foods that cause it? Yes, there are plenty of foods that range from fruits and veggies to certain drinks that will cause the retention of water and production of gas. Some of these foods are bad for us in general, and some may come as quite a surprise. ​

Salty Foods


Salty foods are one of the greatest causes of bloating, and one of the most well known. High amounts of salt eaten over a short period of time will cause higher water retention in our mid region. This works great for before and afters since it can help gain some inches in water weight and is easily fixed. By drinking more water and eating fewer salty foods like snacks, automatic foods and pasta, pickles, cheese, and lunch meats, you can reduce your sodium intake and decrease bloating. 

Carbonated Beverages


Carbonated beverages use gas, so it is no wonder that these beverages can cause gas when consumed. When we drink carbonated beverages, carbon dioxide is released into our bodies. The bloating that these carbonated beverages cause is just one more reason to stay away. The sugars and other chemicals in sodas can also do a number on our digestive system and our health. If you are tying to diet or have regular heart burn, try avoiding sodas and other carbonated beverages, water will do more for your health and help decrease any unwanted bloating.

Sugary Vegetables


Vegetables that contain complex sugars like raffinose will cause bloating because the raffinose will not be broken down until it reaches the large intestines. The bacteria that breaks down raffinose and other ogligosaccharides creates gas as a byproduct. ​Veggies high in the ogligosaccharide, raffinose,  include beans, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, asparagus, and cauliflower. These veggies are some of the healthiest vegetables out there, better to limit your quantities to one of each per meal rather than taking them out completely.

Starchy Vegetables

Sweet potato 1.jpg

Starchy vegetables include potatoes, corn, beets, carrots, and squash. Just like other sugary vegetables, these are not broken down until they reach the large intestines. When broken down in the large intestines, these foods cause gas, abdominal discomfort, and bloating. Since these veggies have some of the highest carbohydrates per serving, it is best to simply stay away. ​



Once we reach the age of five, the lactase enzyme that breaks down milk starts to ​decrease its production in our bodies. Because of this, most people have some form of lactose intolerance that ranges from almost completely tolerant to not tolerant at all. Upset stomachs and gas after eating dairy are the main symptoms of lactose intolerance. Certain cheeses also have some of the highest salt levels of any food, the salt plus the gas produced from dairy can make it a double whammy in the bloating department.

Try limiting your dairy intake or taking a lactaid pill before consuming any dairy products. There are some great dairy replacement products out there. Almond milk is a great (and healthy) milk substitute, vegan cheese, and So Delicious coconut ice creams and creamers are all as great or better than there dairy counterparts. ​