Oscar Workout Special: Jessica Chastain's Legs

by Jenni in


The Oscars are coming, the Oscars are coming! To celebrate this fabulous film event, P+K is going celebrity on this B (b is for blog, people). Today, we have a complete workout that will tone arms, legs, the bum, and the stomach- Oscar style. These exercises are sure to get you Naomi Watts' arms, Jessica Chastain's legs, and some cardio that could get you Jennifer Lawrence's Hunger Games physique.

The workout is separated into three circuits- one for arms, one for legs, and one for toning. The best way to use this workout is as a four-day plan.

Start today by doing the Jessica workout, then complete the Jennifer workout  tomorrow, followed by the  Naomi workout on Friday. Complete one circuit of each workout on Saturday for a mini Oscar bootcamp workout. 

Start with a warm up jog for two minutes, then complete each exercise for one minute with a one minute cool down between circuits. Complete three circuits, total.  

No matter which way you choose, the workout should take 30 minutes. And the nominees are...

Wall Walks

You may prefer to do these outside, at a place where you do not care about the wall (gym), or with only socks on. Start in plank position with feet flat against the wall. Walk your feet up the wall while walking your hands back. Alternate tacking the right, then left leg off the wall once you are almost in a handstand position. Hold, then walk you feet back down and your hands out to starting. Complete as many as possible in one minute.

Chair Kicks

Have I told you how much I love these? Well, just in case... I looooveee these! Place a chair in front of you with the seat towards you (intermediate) or away from you (advanced). Stand to the left of the chair and kick your right leg, then your left leg over the seat or the back. Then, return to your starting position by kicking the left leg, then the right leg over the chair. Complete as many of these as possible in one minute. Rest for one minute, then complete another minute standing to the right of the chair. 

Curtsey Lunge

I like to pretend I am a dainty little lady when doing these. Start with feet hip width apart and arms tucked into your chest. Cross your right leg behind your left and bend downward. Hold, then return to starting position. Alternate between the left and right legs for one minute.

Side Plank Knee Tucks

Oh goodness, these will work your legs and lower abs. Get into side plank position with your right arm extended and hand flat on the ground. Stack your legs so each foot is touching the floor. Bring the left leg in towards your chest, hold, then return to starting position. Complete one minute with the left leg, then complete one minute with the right.

Leg Lifts with Chair

Another great use for a chair... Start with your shoulders on the ground and feet on the chair. Your entire back should be off the floor. Alternate lifting the right leg, then the left, off the chair and as high as possible. Be sure to keep your body straight and stationary during this entire workout. Complete as many as possible in one minute. 

Arabesque with Front-side-back

This is a ballet pose that, if done right, you will feel for a week. No joke. Arabesques are great for the legs and the sole reason my bum was fat free while in ballet. Start in first position with the left arm on the back of a chair and the right out to the side in second position. Be sure to keep your shoulders down, hips even, and a light grip on the chair during the whole exercise. Point right foot and lift leg up so it is straight out in front of you. Hold, then return to starting position. Next, bring the same leg out to the side so it is on the same plain as your body. Return to starting, then extend the leg out behind you. Continue for one minute, then complete on the left side. Hold each position for 4 counts before returning to starting.