5 Ways to Stay Fit Over The Holidays

by Jenni in


The holidays are officially upon us and almost everyone I know is trying to be stress free and stay fit over the holidays. This time of year tends to be a bit hectic, but it is also the main time that I try to re-invigorate my fitness routine. Maybe it is the fact that New Year's is coming, or because I know how many sweet will be consumed by yours truly in the next two weeks, but staying fit over the holidays has become a focus of mine.

1. Get Inspired

Having a reason to stay active in December is key for me to stay fit over the holidays. With all the shopping and parties and plays and family events happening, it can be so very, very easy to skip a day or two at the gym- unless there is a reason. Going into the next year fit and without fitness regrets is one of my biggest fitness inspirations over Christmas. For others, it could be loosing a certain amount of weight, staying on track with the health you have now, having more energy, or being able to eat that entire plate of cookies without regret (not that I have ever done that. Nope). Any which way you slice it, having a reason to workout makes working out easier.

2. Schedule

If staying motivated is step one, then keeping to a schedule would have to be step two. This is also one of the hardest things for me to do. Schedules are so important with staying on track and making sure that the day is not wasted, but boy can they be a pill to make/keep.

When it comes to a fitness schedule, I like to plan out what classes I will take, what days I will do cardio, and how much I will exercise per day on my rest day each week. This is a super basic schedule that helps me stay on track when things start to fall apart throughout the week without making me feel stifled or stressed.

3. Walk

Walking is one of the greatest things we can do for out health. Doctors recommend walking between 10,000 and 12,000 steps per day. Thankfully, this is also super easy to complete over the holidays since we are doing so much extra. For instance, one trip to Target gets me 1,000 steps on average. Park farther away from the shops and you will be saving on stress/time of finding a close spot, and increasing the amount of steps per day. Just think of these extra steps as your little reward for dealing with those Christmas crowds!

4. Ease Up

Bet you did not expect to see those words on this list. Although working out extra hard can shave off extra calories and fat, it can also give us a false sense of security. When we work out much harder than our usual weekly routine, we tend to feel like we can eat less healthy without the same repercussions as usual. This is the whole, "I burnt 800 calories while working out today, now I can eat that entire cake" mind set.

Working out a bit extra can be a great option over the holidays, just try to keep those extra hard workouts on days that you will not be as tempted. Working out the average amount or a few minutes less on days when we have holiday parties or multiple unhealthy eating options will, actually, encourage you to eat healthier. Funny how our minds work.

5. Buddy Up

Working out with a buddy, or even keeping a buddy updated on our fitness routine will help keep us on track. When we know that one other person will see that we skipped a day or did not accomplish that goal, we are way more likely to stay on track. This accountability can do wonders for us over the holidays and during every other part of the year.

Working out with a buddy will also help increase effort and results. Buddies tend to inspire us to work harder and push farther than we may on our own. Working out in a public place like the gym or a fitness class can help push you beyond what you though possible.

These are some of the easiest ways for me to keep on my fitness track over the holidays without stressing about scales or time or goals. What are some of your best methods for staying on track with your fitness?