7 Ways to Tone Arms with Reistance Bands

by Jenni in

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Using resistance bands is a great way to tone the muscles. Resistance bands will work more muscles than free weights along. They will also help elongate the muscles while toning since the resistance bands will increase flexibility. These 7 ways to tone arms are some of my favorite arm toning exercises. The best part about these moves is that they will help tone more than the arms alone. Get ready to feel this in your abs, chest, and back as well!

To make this into a full workout, begin with a 2-minute warm-up. Then, complete watch exercises for 1-minute. When finished, complete 1-minute of jumping jacks then do it all over again. Complete 2-3 sets, total. Use a 5-8 pound resistance band. 


These are great for the biceps, shoulders, intercostals, and abs. Stand shoulder width apart with the resistance band evenly under feet. Cross the resistance band so the left side is in the right and and visa versa. Begin by squatting down, making sure to keep the back straight, then, rise up while lifting the arms overhead so the resistance band forms an "x". Hold, then return to starting. Complete as many as possible in 1-minute.

Side Plank Lift

Works the triceps, abs, shoulders, and back. Get into side plank position with the forearm resting on the floor. Hold the resistance band in each hand so that hands can easily be separated a few inches. Begin by lifting the upper arm up so it is straight in the air. Hold, then return to starting. Continue for 1-minute, then alternate sides.

Seated Arm Curl

Works triceps, biceps, and forearms. Begin seated with the resistance band evenly under each foot and with the ends held in one hand. Slowly curl the arm so that the hand is almost touching the shoulder. Hold, then return to starting. Continue for 1-minute before alternating sides.

Hug the World Plie

Works triceps, biceps, chest, intercostals, back, shoulders, and legs. Stand in second position and place the resistance band evenly under each foot. Hold the ends of the band in each hand, keeping arms straight out to the sides. Bend legs while bringing the arms in front of you like you are hugging an invisible ball. Return to starting and continue for 1-minute.

Reaching Rear Row

Works the triceps, biceps, back, abs, and upper legs. Begin in lunge position with the resistance band under the front, left foot, and the ends of the band held in the right hand. Stand up from the lunge position, keeping almost all the weight on your front leg. Simultaneously lift your right arm back in a rear row so the band is pulled across your body. Hold, then return to starting. Continue for 1-minute, then alternate sides.  

Front Arm Raise

Works shoulders, back, and intercostals. Stand with the right leg staggered in front of the left and the resistance band evenly under the right foot. Hold both ends of the resistance band in the right hand and rest the hand in front of the right leg. Be sure to keep the back straight and do not bend the elbow or raise the shoulders. Slowly lift the right arm directly in front of you until it is at shoulder level. Hold, then return to starting position. Complete as many as possible in 1-minute, then alternate to the left side.

Side Extensions

Works triceps, shoulders, intercostals, obliques, and thighs. This move works so many different muscles because 1) it uses so many and 2) it relies on balance. Start with all fours on the ground and wrap the resistance band under the right foot. Hold both ends of the band in the right hand and raise both the hand and foot off the ground. Both the arm and the leg should be parallel to the floor and bent towards the mid-line of the body. Extend the leg back and the arm out in front until both are straight. Hold, then return to starting. Complete as many as possible in 1-minute, then alternate to the left side.